Open, honest lines of communication.

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They had hiked for about two hours and had come out of the tress and we now sat on some rocks overlooking the beautiful national park which seemed to go on forever. They were both relaxed and sat close, just taking in the view. Tina found herself leaning against Bette, her head on her shoulder as Bette's arm around her, gently rubbing her back.

"This is perfect," Tina whispered.

"it is, the world is quiet here."

"You wouldn't believe that this is a volcano," Tina grinned.

"You would, it makes me feel like we are the only people in the world."

"Right now we are," Tina whispered.

Bette turned her had and kissed her gently,

"I love you Tina Kennard,"

"I love you too," Tina smiled brightly at her wife, she felt delighted that she was married to this woman.

Bette could tell that Tina had things on her mind. She gently rubbed her back as they both looked out again.

"What's on your mind baby?" Bette asked softly after a few moments of silence,

"A few things, work, you, our future," Tina replied.

"What about our future?" Bette wanted to know what her wife wanted.

"Would you ever want a family?" Tina asked,


"Yeah," Tina replied, she voice full of uncertainly.

"I've never really thought about it, I never really thought I was going to settle down." Bette said honestly.

"I've always wanted a family, I was a lonely child and until you a very lonely adult. I had my friends, admittedly one turned out to be bat shit crazy, but I was still lonely. At school and college I shied away from everyone and when I was old enough I even made sure I was away from the bright lights of the city. Then this bright light walked into my studio and changed my life."

"Are you refereeing to me as a bright light?" Bette smiled, her wife had a medical way with words sometimes,

"Yeah, I have a painting for my next show called the light beside me, it's basically you,"

"When will I get to see it?"

"When it's finished." Tina smiled.

Bette thought for a moment. taking in the view, the smells. The fact that she was hold her wife. she'd never thought of herself as married. She'd never thought she would be as content in her life.

"Let me think about it,"

"I can live with that," Tina smiled, "I know this is all new to us both. This is unchartered ground. But at least we get to do this all together. I'm so lucky you chose to come to my studio,"

"It's actually James's fault I came, he had seen your show in New York, well the group show you were in and told me to look you up,"

"Poor James, I bet you didn't want to come either,"

"Not really but I'm glad I did." Bette laughed,

"I'm glad you did too," Tina moved closer to her woman, "I do sometimes feel like you do stuff just for me,"

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