Forward We Go

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Tina stood in front of the mirror in their large bathroom, her hands resting on her stomach. She couldn't believe it. She gently ran her fingers lightly over the bump that had appeared in the last few days. She knew she was pregnant. It had been six months since she had sold out her show in six minutes. She had taken three months off and had barely drawn. In that time her and Bette had found a donor. They had tried for two months and then three months ago it had turned out she was pregnant, and she had started to take photos of her body. She wanted to document the changes in her body. She wanted to make art from her changes.

Bette walked into bathroom and grinned. Today then were finally going to tell their friends. Tina had wanted to keep it between them for a while. Bette wrapped her arms around her wife and rested her hands onto her stomach. She kissed her wife's neck.

"Good morning," Bette mumbled.

"Good morning, "

"Are you feeling okay?" Bette asked, she knew that Tina had had a little morning sickness.

"I'm good, I'm a little hungry."

"Well if you put some clothes on we can get to the Planet and you can have some lovely breakfast,"

"Okay, I never thought you'd be telling me to put clothes on." Tina laughed as she moved out of her wife's arms and went around her.

"I normally wouldn't but I'm not taking you out naked. You're nakedness is for my eyes only."

"What about the photos I've been taking?"

"They are a side view of you aren't they?

"Yea but as I get bigger I won't be able to hide my boobs,"

"Maybe I should be in the photos," Bette said as she lent against the door frame.

"Doing what?"

"Holding you breasts,"

Tina shook her head.

"That's a good idea, would you be topless too?" Tina asked as she got dressed.

"Would you like me to be topless?" Bette asked,

"Yes, I'm using black and white film. Maybe wear a nice pair of jeans. I want to take a picture once a week all the way through. I want to celebrate the changes in my body, even when I feel unsexy and grumpy which will happen."

"If that's what you want I will do that for you,"

Tina smiled that her wife was willing to do that for her. They got dressed before heading out of the house and towards the Planet.


Bette reached out and took Tina's hand as they walked towards the Planet, right now her main concern was Tina. She wanted to make sure her wife and baby were fine. She was excited to be a mom, the moment Tina had told her they were going to be a mom she felt so much love. She was overwhelmed by it all.

They walked into the Planet and it was busy as ever. They queued as normal to make their order. Once they had ordered they headed outside and found the gang, Bette pulled a chair out for tina who smiled.

"Thank God you are here," Alice said

"What have we missed?" Bette asked, sitting down.

"Kelly Wentworth, she comes in every day in the hope to see you," Alice said.

"She has called the gallery a few times but I've been working from home."

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