Worth It?

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Tina sat in her studio putting the finishing touches to a pencil drawing. She signed the corner as usual, smiling. She was happy with how it had turned out. She decided to open her mac book, she took a photo of the drawing and decided to list it on her site as a one off, to see if the crazy rumour would ruin her sales. There was a knock on the door and Tina looked up, looking into the face of someone she didn't expect.

"Alice," Tina said softly

"I thought we could talk,"

"I don't want to talk to you," Tina said honestly, she took a deep breath.

"I feel like the only way I can get Bette to talk to me."

"I'm not your way in Alice. I'm no interested in talking to you," Tina picked up her cell phone and text Bette who was in the house.

TINA: B can you come out to my studio please, Alice is here.

Tina clicked send as Alice looked around Tina's Studio,

"Aren't you painting at the moment?" Alice asked, see that nothing was set up apart from the drawing table.

"Erm," Tina didn't answer. She looked over Alice's shoulder and saw Bette walking down the path, her wife was wearing a tank top and jeans. She looked amazing. Her hair pulled back at the nape of her neck.

"Alice why are you here?" Bette asked she approached the door,

"I came to see Tina,"

"Why? You've never come to see her before," Bette walked around Alice and looked at Tina who was pale at the fact that someone she didn't really know or like was in her personal space. Tina walked towards Bette,

"I just thought..."

"That if she came to me you'd talk to her," Tina said slowly, "Can we please do this out of my studio,"

They moved out into the garden, Tina closed the door, before heading towards the house, Bette stopped Alice from following her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You're my oldest friends Bette,"

"Yeah, you've barely ever been here, since I married Tina. You just bitch and gossip about my wife. I don't need friends like that Alice, I really don't." Bette said slowly

"You used to be so much fun," Alice remarked

"For fuck sake Alice, I'm a grown ass woman. I'm forty years old. I'm a wife, a mother a business owner. I'm not the twenty three year old you first meet. You need to get your head out of your ass and please leave me and my wife alone. Coming to talk to Tina isn't going to work. You've never got to know her, you've never taken the time to know her. When we do come to breakfast or out you barely speak to her. She's the love of my life and yet you disrespected her and me, when you work that shit out come back."

Bette turned dismissing Alice and walked into the house, closing the doors. She watched as Alice walked back up the drive, got into her car and left. Bette shook her head before going upstairs where she knew Tina would be. She opened their bedroom door and smiled when she saw Tina lay on the bed, with Xavier next to her. He was sat up against the pillows grinning as Tina tickled him.

"She's gone," Bette said,

"Sorry, I know you were busy,"

"I wasn't. I was folding laundry, has Jane gone?"

"Yeah, I told her we would take over."

"Good, I'm sorry,"


"Ruining your friendship with Alice,"

"You didn't do that Alice did." Bette got onto the bed.

"I feel like I've come between you,"

"You haven't, promise baby,"

Tina's phone went off, She made sure that Xavier was good before she rolled over and picked it up. She smiled softly

"What are you grinning at baby?" Bette asked as she picked Xavier and he rested his head on his shoulder.

"Erm, I put that drawing of the New York Skyline on my website as a one off piece to test the waters."

"To see if Alice's remarks have affected your business," Bette asked

"Yeah," Tina said slowly, "It's sold for $55,000,"

"That's great news,"

"It sold in four minutes." Tina smiled

"Congratulations Ti,"

"Thank B," Tina smiled,

"How bought it?"


"Peggy Peabody?"

"Yep, The email must have hit her inbox and she was on."

"She must have someone watching the site,"

"It would shock me, I'm glad it's her."

Bette looked at her wife

"God I'm proud of you," Bette smiled

"Thank you, I love you. I want to provide for us. I know you've done well. We need to share this. I've been thinking," Tina said


"I need to get my career restarted. I feel secure in our marriage and I know you love me. I know Xavier loves me. I want to feel complete again," Tina whispered.

"I will support you," Bette grinned. "I want you to be happy,"

"I'll be happy if I can sell some more pieces and start work on more. I want to learn to do what you've done," Tina said,

"What?" Bette said as she started to pace the floor with Xavier. As he started to settle for his nap.

"Look after my wife, my family and work."

"You also have to look after yourself. We need to ensure that your treatment is working,"

"I want to stay healthy, physically and mentally. I don't want to go back into that black hole again."

"I will always support you baby," Bette said.

Tina grinned. She got up and kissed her wife, before taking their son. He snuggled into her. Tina kissed his head as he drifted off to sleep.



"I don't want to come between you and your friends." Tina said slowly.

"Let me deal with that. Okay?"


Tina smiled. She put Xavier into his cot and looked down at him. Bette walked up behind her and gently wrapped her arms around her, putting her head on Tina's shoulder.

"Don't forget your medication," Bette said softly

"I need to eat first."

"That can be arranged, hot beef sandwiches."

"Mmm, yes baby that sounds so good," Tina smiled.

"Come on,"

Bette took her wife's hands and took her downstairs while their son had a nap. 

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