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Tina lay looking at the ceiling of her bedroom. Beside her she could hear her wife breathing softly. she looked at her, just taking her in. she felt lucky that she had found this woman, that this woman was sticking by her through everything. Tina sat up and reached for her notebook and wrote 'in my studio' on a piece a paper. She put this onto her pillow. She got up and put on a tank top and baggy trousers. She put her flip flops on. She checked with Xavier and then headed outside. She turned all the lights on in studio lighting it up. She walked over to her drawing board, and took out a new piece of card. She opened the draws to one side of the table and took out some watercolours. She rarely used. She picked up a small glass and filled it with water.

She started to pain, the tress in the garden, the sun setting over the mountains at the back of the house. She could picture what she had seen this evening as she had sat with Bette.

She lost track of time as she sat painting. Her small brush strokes. The details in the picture was amazing, as usual. Her head was down and her mind was open to the painting.

Bette walked down and made herself and Tina a hot chocolate and headed out to the studio. She walked in and smiled at Tina working away

"Hey," Bette said softly.

"Hi, sorry did I wake you,"

"No baby, I brought you hot chocolate."

"Thanks," Tina put the brush down and took the mug that her wife offered her.

"That's amazing,"

"I used to work with watercolours a lot but put them away a few years ago when I started doing the bigger canvas's but tonight watching the sunset I wanted to use it again."

"You're such a talented woman, baby," Bette kissed the top of her wife's head.

Tina smiled at her wife's praise. She loved it.

"I'm sorry I'm awake in the middle the of the night again,"

"Yeah, its okay. Honey. You didn't run." Bette said softly. "Seeing the note on your pillow helped. Seeing you in here, just makes my heart sing. Seeing you painting is everything. You do need to sleep. This can be done after eight hours of sleep."

"I know sometimes my mind doesn't stop baby."

"I get that, but you have sleeping tablets for a reason," Bette raise her eyebrow. "Have you stopped taking them,"

"Yes," Tina admitted. "I take enough pills,"

"I know you do, seriously but sleep is important."

Tina nodded she knew she had to get some rest. She drank her hot chocolate.

"I think we should go back to bed,"

"Yes," Bette took her wife's hand and they switched the lights off and locked up, heading back into the house. Bette took her wife upstairs and they curled up together, Bette holding her wife, as Tina slowly and surely drifted off to sleep.


Bette sat at her desk in the gallery, it was the first day that she was due to be there. She'd called home a couple of times and Tina was fine and today Jack, a highly trained nurse was with them. Bette looked up as the door as it opened and James poked his head around the door.

"Alice is here,"


"She said to talk to you, "

"Send her in, I think it's time she leaves me alone."

James simply nodded. He went and got Alice who walked in and looked at Bette

"Nice to have you back in LA," Alice said, sitting into a chair like nothing was happening.

"Why are you here Alice?" Bette asked,

"Your my friend,"

"No, I'm not right now."

"eh? I always knew Tina would come between us,"

"For fuck sake. No. no, no, no," Bette got up. "You fucked this up. You did this no one else. Not me or Tina. You decided to spread shit about my wife. The whole world knows my wife is mentally ill because of your big mouth. You know that! You broke my trust. I love Tina she's my world. I don't need bad friendships in my life. I need supportive friends, friends who are there for me. I don't need someone who is going to talk behind my back and make comments about a subject she doesn't know about. Our friendship at this point is on pause. I don't want you in my life. You need some home trusts. You broke my friendship. I would like you to leave now,"


"I would you like you to leave."

"I really thought you would calm down,"

"What after you called my wife crazy, you thought it would blow over."

"I just thought... we've always been like this."

"You've always been like this, I'm a 40 year old woman. I've got a family. I'm not into playing gossip games anymore. I'm done. Totally done."

"We've been friends for years."

"I know, but you've overstepped the mark yet again. You betrayed our friendship. I'm done."

"You keep saying that. I can't believe you're taking her side."

"No, that's not how this happens. She's my wife. You disrespected her. Learn some respect and then we might be able to talk, now kindly fuck off."

"Fine whatever Porter when you're divorce her because she's completely crazy you know where to find me,"

Alice got up and left. Bette shook her head.



"Alice is not allowed in here again,"

"Not a problem." James said.

Bette picked up the phone and called home

"Hello," Tina's voice came down the phone.

"Hey baby,"

"You sound stressed, are you okay?"

"Alice has just been here,"

"Why can't she leave us alone?" Tina asked softly

"I duno babe, if she turns up at the house please call the cops. I'm done."

"Yeah babe,"

"How is Xavier?"

"He is napping, he had a busy morning rolling around the living room and laughing."

"Aww I'm sad I missed it, I'm leaving here at 3pm today."

"I will make dinner,"

"You don't have too,"

"I do. Let me okay?" Tina smiled.

"Thank you, I love you baby,"

"I love you too baby."

Bette said her goodbyes and got on with the rest of her day. 

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