Light Lunch

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Tina stood looking at the Planet's menu, trying to decide what she wanted to eat. Bette stood beside her, with Xavier in his sling he was watching the world.

"Wow, my sister and her family here at lunch time?" Kit said coming out of the kitchen smiling at her sister and her family

"We had a doctors appointment so thought we'd come in for lunch," Bette said

"Everything okay?" Kit asked, looking at Xavier, who was grinning.

"It was just a full medical check up for Ti," Bette almost whispered.

Tina smiled, she knew her wife just didn't want her to be talked about it,

"Everything is okay?" Kit address her question to Tina,

Tina smiled at her sister-in-law.

"I'm fine, it was a medical check up, to check my levels and to ensure my medication is working, it is. But I need to eat now,"

"What would you like?"

"I was looking at the hot roast beef sandwich with gravy."

"Coffee, tea or juice?"

"Erm, tea and apple juice please." Tina asked as she took sons hand.

"I'll have the chicken salad with a coffee please," Bette asked as she looked around for a table,

"Sure thing baby girl. Find a table and I'll bring it over."

Bette and Tina found a table. Bette took Xavier out of his sling and passed him to Tina as they settled at the table. Tina playing with their son, the noise of the café fading away as she took the time to be with her son.

Bette watched them, smiling she was proud that her family was here.

"Bette Porter," Bette looked up at Peggy Peabody.

"Peggy Peabody," Bette got up,

"And the lovely Tina Kennard," Peggy smiled at Tina,

Tina looked up from Xavier,

"Hello Ms Peabody, how are you?"

"I'm good my dear, all the better for buying another one of your remarkable pieces."

"I'm glad you like it, I didn't expect it to sell at all," Tina said honestly kissing the top of her sons head.

Peggy sat herself down at the table and looked at the couple. She had heard the rumours.

"Can I be serious for a moment," Peggy asked as their food arrived.

"You can," Bette said, smiling. She loved that her family were out.

"I've heard rumours but I've kept a close eye on your website Tina because you're a brilliant artist. I want your work,"

"What rumours have you heard?" Tina asked

"They are degrading and I will not repeat them. I know you've been struggling Tina and you don't need your private business broadcast."

"Thank you, Peggy that means a lot." Tina smiled,

"It's my pleasure. Bette I will stop by the gallery in the next few days, there is a couple of pieces I want to look at it,"

"If you let me know which day Peggy I can make it down to the gallery."

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