*Trigger Warning Suicide Ideation*

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I just need to hold on just a bit longer. Fake a smile till I get home. I gotta get my meds. Write letters to everyone. I'm done. What kept me from suicide a couple months ago was the fact I didn't want to hurt my family. I don't care anymore. I want them to hurt as bad as they are hurting me. I'm going to write a letter for everyone. Finally getting what I need to say to them out there in the open. How much they be affected me. Lay them out. Take as many pills as I can and just lay there and die alone. In the end everyone does alone. They won't find my body for days I bet. They don't check on me. They don't talk to me. Until they are laying into me about something I've done wrong. That's what makes me cry even harder. They hate me and I love them. They won't discover my body until it's too late. Then again that's what I want. To be at rest. I hope they don't find me. I want to die. There isn't a quality of life for me. I can't work, I can't depend on myself. I can't take care of myself anymore. I can't bring myself to give my body food when when I'm so weak I can't get out of bed. Even when the pain from hunger is gnawing at me. I don't care. It's over. I'm weak. My fight is over soon. I can't keep suffering alone.

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