Schizophrenia and ECT

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I want my life back. I want to live carelessly but responsibly of course. Life without the worries, the paranoia, the hallucinations and delusions, the mania and depression. I'm considering ECT. This is a really big decision. A scary one at that. I can lose short and long term memory. The more I think about that the more I wish I would lose long term memories. I'm a memory hoarder. Especially with the bad ones. Losing those is a terrifying thought, but yet maybe I can be happy without them. I wish I could lose memory of my ex. Forget all the things that have traumatized me and ruined me for future relationships. If I forgot about him, will I be a different person? I've been borderline way before I met him, but he proved every fear a borderline could possibly think of to be true. My relationship with him though I treasure, destroyed every bit of me that I was. Without those memories I wouldn't be traumatized from relationships. This is just wishful thinking. This wouldn't happen. If only right?

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