Chapter 9 - Axel

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I pulled off my hoodie and tossed it onto the stool behind me-leaving me bare-chested and in sweatpants that hung low, showing just an inch of my V line. I ran a hand through my hair as I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water, twisting off the cap right away.

When we came back I saw Damon out on the terrace minding his own business, and it made me cool down a bit. He wasn't thankful he hadn't touched her, she was and she didn't even know it. Because if he had I would've taken it out on her-real rough and hard. I'd engrave myself into her skin and mind, and in the sickest way she'd know she was completely mine.

Kez was mine to keep. I'd toy with her in all the right spots, mind fuck her and make her oblige to me whenever I thought was necessary. I'd have her trapped inside this house and her pretty little head-unable to escape me whether I was around or not.

My plan for her was nothing I've ever had in mind for any girl I've fooled around with or even dated. She was different-special if you will. I could already see she was confused by my mixed emotions, one second I'm hungry for her and I want to taste her, but the next I'm kind and considerate, allowing myself to show I wouldn't hurt a hair on her head.

That was just a teensy taste of the tricks I had up my sleeve. I had to start small of course though eventually, I'd have her in every right position possible. God, I sounded like Creed.

Taking a sip of water, I watched my blood-stained hand fist at the bottle and I groaned, releasing it slowly and capping the lid back onto the bottle. I strode into the living room and saw Roman comfortable on the couch, his tablet in one hand and a glass of gin in the other. I knew what he was doing, planning our next attack and surprisingly I was excited about it.

Roman would throw a temper tantrum but I thought Vixen could come with us next time, just to give her a taste of what went on in our world. It may be early for her to extend to that kind of violence, but as they say-you have to teach them from when they're young.

Of course, we'd keep a close eye on her, that big mouth she has may potentially get far, but I'd hate to see a gun in her hand, or even just in sight of her.

Shit would hit the fan and I'd be blamed for it, though she'd be punished for it. And I wouldn't be as nice about it as I would for everything else that has yet to come for her.

Sighing, I shuffled across the floor and inclined over the sofa, leaning down to Ro's level. "Where did Creed go off to?" I asked, reading the information on the screen carefully.

He tsk-ed and looked up at me, furrowing his brows. "That kid is either taunting his new pet or jacking off to her. Why?"

I shake my head and purse my lips, shifting my gaze at him instead. The judgment on his face was clear but I quickly brushed it off and straightened up. "Wouldn't you like to know," I pressed my lips into a thin line and flipped the bottle in my hand, catching it upright.

"You fuckers never get along, so yes I would like to know. What has you concerned about where he must be? You never cared to ask before." He shrugged, turning his attention back on the device. "Unless you care now because he might be with Kezanel."

Motherfucker. He made it sound like I gave a shit about her, which was not the case. As I said she was nothing-a nobody. Though the way Creed lashed out on her last night I was slightly curious about what he had planned for her this time.

"Are you insisting-"

Roman groaned and stood up, placing the tablet on the coffee table and circling the sofa. "Take a shower, Axel, and stop bugging me." He stormed off around the kitchen and into the gym. Asshole.

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