Chapter 12 - Kez

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Axel caught me by surprise with that damn collar, I mean who did that shit. Fucking freak. I hated them more each minute I spent with them, they were complete assholes, well, except for Roman. He was the only one who didn't fuck around with me, and the only one who gave off that he pitied me.

Or, at least that's what I kept telling myself. I sighed heavily as Axel and I pushed through a door somewhere inside the warehouse. We were far long inside that I forgot which corner or hallway I had to go by to get out of here, and the shit part about it was I was with Axel.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, walking close behind him-practically up his ass. He wasn't complaining, so, I assumed he hadn't minded. "Why did I have to come?" I asked and moved beside him, tilting my head in thought as he glanced at me in annoyance.

Groaning, I ran a hand through my hair. I didn't like this and I was bored, I didn't know why he thought it was a good idea to bring me. Seriously, what use was I?

As we shifted through an open door, he looked over his shoulder and pressed a finger against his lips, cautioning me to shush. I rolled my eyes and stepped before him, but he motioned a hand for me to stop, and I did, taking one step back.

Gazing just around the wall that blocked my view of the other side of the room, I was suddenly tugged backward and my back was slammed against something hard-a chest. I froze, forcing down the lump that formed in my throat, and my gut dropped.

"He could've seen you," Axel whispered into my ear, covering my mouth with his hand. His teeth gritted and he sounded annoyed. Slowly releasing his hand, his arm came around my waist and his hand glided under my tank top.

I bit down on my lip when I felt something cold graze my abdomen, slowly drifting down and under the waistband of my skirt. "If you get caught." I looked up and furrowed my eyebrows, and he winked, realisation hitting me. Oh.

He pulled his hand out and moved it downward, coming closer to my hip, and lower until it fell to my thigh. I heard him hum behind me and he took his arm back, though it kept by my side, and his hand balled into a fist.

Shifting slightly as I was sort of sliding down, I accidentally pressed my body to his and I shivered, feeling his cock against my ass. All of a sudden his knuckles were rubbing my thigh, up and down-up and down, and I licked my lips.

A shallow breath flew past my lips and he tapped my leg. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice soft and genuine. Okay? That was odd, since when did Axel give a fuck-I got the impression that he didn't.

"I'm fine," I gazed up at him, half-heartedly smiling.

Chuckling, his hand grasped at my jaw and he tipped my chin up. "You are turned on," he remarked, nodding. I'm sorry?

What the fuck? "Axel-" his hand immediately slapped over my mouth, muffling my words. I grunted out and tried to bite him, but it was no use. He then lifted his finger and shushed me, again.

"Listen to me carefully," he said, making it sound like an order. "Once that guy comes around-" he paused, stepping slightly forward and pointing at the wall ahead of us. "There-I want you to jump him."

He wanted me to-oh, god! As he slowly removed his hand, I frowned. "I'm not jumping nobody," I said through gritted teeth, narrowing my angry eyes on his emotionless ones. Axel stared down at me, not uttering a word-hell, even a fucking breath. Asshole.

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