Chapter 3: Jungseo

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Lucas found himself knocking on NCT 127's dorm door. He was greeted by Jaehyun who opened the door for him and gave him a smile. He made sure to greet everyone before walking to Jungwoo's room. There he found the older boy still packing his stuff.

He was there simply because he had been given orders to make sure that Jungwoo made it safely to his new apartment. Also, he had to make sure that nothing went wrong when Jungwoo saw who his partner was.

Seeing that the older still had a lot left to pack, Lucas opted to quietly sit down in the bed and wait for him.

Jungwoo had noticed the younger one come in but was too busy packing to even greet him. And he was grateful that Lucas was quiet for once because he needed to concentrate on remembering what he needed. However, now he was wondering why Lucas was there.

"Lucas, what are you doing here? You're not my partner if I remember correctly"

"Correct, I'm just here you make sure you make it to your apartment safely"

This made Jungwoo's heartbeat fast for some reason.


Silence formed again before Lucas got bored of waiting.

"Juungwoooo hyung hurryy up!" Lucas exclaimed in boredom. To be fair this was the longest Lucas had ever been quiet and peaceful, which kind of did surprise Jungwoo.

Jungwoo smiled and closed his suitcase. "I'm done!" He exclaimed cutely and threw himself on the bed tired from all the packing.

Lucas, however, abruptly stood up excited to take Jungwoo to his new apartment and see his reaction when he saw who his partner was. "Then let's go!" He exclaimed and pulled Jungwoo up from the bed.

Jungwoo groaned but still grabbed the keys to the car he would be driving.

"yay!". Lucas cheered like a little kid as he followed his hyung with Jungwoo's bags in hand.


Lucas and Jungwoo stood outside Jungwoo's new apartment, but before Jungwoo could open the door Lucas stopped him. "Hyung, before you open the door, I want you to know that you must not freeze, faint, or run away. Okay?"

"Lucas, you're scaring me, who's behind the door?" Jungwoo asked Lucas with wide eyes unaware of the person who opened the door.

"It's just me" A voice spoke suddenly but Jungwoo didn't seem to really comprehend who it was.

"Oh, it's just you Junseo", Jungwoo said. However, when he realized who it was his heart started beating like crazy. "Junseo!"

Jungwoo stumbled back as tears formed in his eyes. He took in the image of the boy before him and looked at Lucas to make sure that it was real. Lucas nodded at Jungwoo in reassurance with a warm smile. He knew the history between these two and was glad to see them reunite.

Standing before Jungwoo was Jeon Junseo, Kangmi's twin brother and his best friend, who he had not seen in 2 years. Junseo stood nervously as he watched Jungwoo's movements. Then the unexpected happened, Jungwoo jumped to hug Junseo.

Junseo was quick to catch Jungwoo and hold him tight and firm. Jungwoo snuggled onto Junseo's neck and sobbed. "I missed you", he whispered.

Junseo relaxed when he realized that finally had Jungwoo in his arms after two years. "I missed you too, angel" That nickname which Jungwoo missed hearing. Junseo gave him the nickname "angel" the first time they met and ever since that was the only thing Junseo called him.

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