You are free - chapter 48 ४

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You hand is wrapped around Buckys arm while walking down to a small cabin in the woods. You're so afraid this might not work, that you have to live with voices inside your head for the rest of your life. Your mind was already a loud place, the last thing you needed was more echoes banging inside.

"Did it hurt?" You ask hesitantly, scared he might actually tell you the truth. He doesn't have too, you can already hear his thoughts loud and clear.

"It does, but it's not the things she does that hurts" he explains. "It's the things it brings up." He adds.

"What do you mean?" You ask

"Even though I don't turn into the winter soldier anymore. Every time I hear those words... Everytine I hear the word hydra I remember every last thing I ever did, you're lucky y/n" he says sadly. "You had someone come rescue you a lot faster than I did, I have a lot of peoples death on my shoulders. And the only way to forget that, is by accepting the fact it happened"

"I'm so sorry Buck... I wish we could have saved you" you sigh.

"You have saved me"


"You forgave me, that's all the saving I need" he smiles.

As you reach the small cabin, Ayo is waiting by a small fireplace. She reaches out her hand, you hesitate for a second looking at Bucky he gives you a reassuring nod. Then you take her hand and sits down beside her.

"I have to make a phone call, I'll be back." He says kindly. "You've got this y/n, you're so much stronger than I was" then he walks off.

"Stark can you hear me?"

"Where the hell is my sister Barnes, what have you done to her" stark yells through the phone.

"I did what needed to be done, i did what everyone else couldn't. You should really be there."

"You really think that's such a good idea?"

"Stark please, I know you don't trust me.. But she's gonna be a wreck once she's done here. She'll need to see that you've forgiven her"

"Trust you? If I didn't trust you i wouldn't have let you anywhere near her, she's my only family"

"Please come, for y/n"

"I'll be there within an hour, and Barnes?"


"Don't let her out of sight"

"I wouldn't dream of anything else"

Bucky hangs up and turns around, all he wants to do is hug you. Reassure you everything is gonna be fine. But you have to do this alone.

"What if it doesn't work" you sigh.. "I could kill someone.. I could kill you"

"I won't let you hurt anyone, I know you won't" Ayo gets up from the bench.

There's a moment where everything is completely silent. And then the nightmare begins.


"I ehm" you stutter, there's a loud ringing in your head.


"It's not working" you mumble. Your body is flinching, everything just hurts. Your vision is getting blurry, thoughts racing against your heartbeat.

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