*Wedding night - chapter 59 ४*

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"Can I please open my eyes now" you ask.

You have been driving for about an hour, while your eyes are blindfolded. Lokis hand is on the staring wheel, while the other is holding onto yours.

"Just 5 more minutes" he assures you. As he takes another turn. You have no idea where you're going. All you know is that it's a surprise.

"You really shouldn't have gotten me anything. I feel bad that I didn't buy you anything"

"Stop it elskede, you're everything I need"

As the car pulls over. He steps out of the car, guiding you through the darkness. You feel like you're walking forever. Suddenly he stops, he stands behind you removing the blindfold. As you open your eyes slowly there's a moment before you realize what you're seeing. Before your eyes is the most beautiful small cabin you've ever seen. Vines are growing up against the side of the walls. There's a small path leading up to it, with small lanterns lighting the way. You turn around looking at the surroundings, it's located in a forest area, with a lake in the back. It's just like your family's old cabin.
You're speechless.

"Do you not like it?" He asks concerned.

"Are you serious, I love it. It's perfect" you say as you kiss him.

He leads you down the small path, opening the door.
"After you Mrs. Stark Laufesyon"

As you look inside the living room everything is already set into place, and although you and Loki have fairly different taste. It's perfect. It's a mixture of old, and new that seems to blend together just like the two of you. As you open the door to bedroom there's candles everywhere. Rose petals on the bed.

"You've truly outdone yourself, it's perfect" you say as you passionately embrace him, connecting your lips. Running your hands through his hair. As you slowly fall onto the bed. He sits against the back of the bed, with your head on his lap. Gently stroking your cheek. "And it's our very own"

"You're perfect" he mumbles as leaves a kiss on your forehead.

"This past week has been the most ordinary I've ever felt in my life" you say.

"Everything worked out perfectly fine in the end min elskede" he smirks. But he's right, even after all the troubles, all the pain and waiting. Now you've finally settled down, starting the life you always dreamed of.

"No more missions, no more hydra" you whisper, almost sounding too good to be true. "Just the two of us for infinity" you scrunch your nose.

Loki sighs as he looks away from you. He bites hardly down on his lower lip. You reach your hand up the side of his head.

"What's the matter?" You ask.

He looks back at you shaking the feeling off him.
"Perhaps it's a bit too good to be true" he sighs.

"I could always say no" you say hopefully trying to convince him. "You know if another mission comes along"

He slides a strand of hair behind your ear. "Don't lie to me Min elskede. We both know that's not true" he says sadly.

"For you I could.. I would"

He pins your hands against the bed, as he straddles you. "Don't make promises you can't keep"

You let out a deep sigh as you roll your eyes playfully. "I'm not"

Loki hovers above you, leaving a trail of kisses from your lips, to your cheek, down across your neck.

"Loki" you sighs deeply..Your body relaxes beneath his touch, as his hands travels fitter down to your hips. He grabs them tightly as you let your head fall back.

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