Chapter 94

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Days had passed and it was Christmas eve, but the festive wasn't in the tower with everyone feeling down. Every day they tried to make plans and they searched, but they couldn't find them, and everyone seemed to deny that they couldn't do so.

Although everyone was basically depressed they had the agreement to still do something together before everyone would leave home to celebrate with their families. Tony brought in some catering company and they prepared food while Nat and Tony were preparing the table somewhat decorating it with Christmas music playing in the background.

"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Tony asked dryly having second thoughts about doing this. Nat looked at him with sympathy and sighed. "It's just dinner," she said but he wasn't confined yet he didn't speak about it again and they continued. 

Meanwhile, Loki was in Celene's room, he was the only one who felt like going in there, so he cleaned it and put back all the stuff that was laying scrambled on the floor throughout the room while he tried to keep himself from losing control.

Anger and sadness were constantly pushing around in his stomach and it made him sick. Everything made him think about her, even if he wasn't in her room. But he knew he needed to push through or he would never find her, let alone help.

He hated that they were preparing a meal as if they were celebrating. He knew they weren't happy but they were fools to act like this, or so he thought. Thor had taken the news even worse than Loki after Tony told them, while he was in conflict with himself and his emotions, Thor started throwing things around being an angry toddler.

He looked around content with his work in the now fresh smelling room and he gave a little smile knowing what she would say, how she would want to do it herself, and it comforted him a little, but still. He closed the door and walked upstairs to the living room as Friday called out that dinner was served.

He walked in on everyone already sitting around the table looking sombre but smiling anyway, it was a weird atmosphere hanging around. Yet they ate, drank and talked the best they could while looking nice enough after too long of sweatpants and sweaters. They toasted to finding Steve and Celene and they started telling the story's about them, everyone seemed to be lighting up a bit but not Loki.

He was still no real part of the group and he wasn't being a part of the conversation at all. He listened in silence feeling out of place but the stories about Celene made him listen well enough to make him smile to himself sometimes.

His mind went to thinking of what she could be going through at that moment, where she would be, and how badly he wanted to be there with her.

-----Meanwhile somewhere else-----

"Merry Christmas," Jeremy said sarcastically but softly as he showed a plate with food underneath the bars of my cell door. I sat up from the mattress and shuffled over the floor so I was sitting in front of the tray.

'It's already Christmas?' I thought to myself.

It wasn't the usual porridge, maybe they were feeling festive tonight... there were some actual vegetables and mashed potatoes still slightly warm with some water and it made my stomach twist from the hunger and thirst.

The man I started to recognise was still standing in front of my cell looking down at me probably needing to check if I truly ate. I sighed and looked at him.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your family on Christmas?" I asked looking up still sitting in front of the tray but something made me more hungry to socialise than to eat, he just frowned at me.

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