Chapter Eleven

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The rest of my time off during the Christmas holidays was spent split between Sam, Dean and Harlow, sometimes deciding to have time for just myself and Sam, other times hanging out as a group. The four of us had spent Christmas Eve together at my house, all of us squeezed up on the one sofa with matching pyjamas and a fluffy blanket draped over us, drinking hot chocolate whilst watching Christmas films. Well, I forced the three of them to sit through the Home Alone films. It was a tradition that I had with Sam and Dean and it was time to welcome Harlow into, it having been her first Christmas with us.

Sam and I exchanged our gifts the day after, sneaking out after the chaos of the day spent with our families. It was quite sweet. He had gotten me a couple of notebooks from my favourite market stall for my songwriting as well as a framed photo of me, him, Harlow and Dean that he took on a disposable camera last week. In return, I'd gotten him some cute guitar picks and a Springsteen vinyl. It wasn't much but to be fair, it was pretty last minute considering we had only made up two weeks prior.

The first day back was one that I was dreading. Not only would I get brought back to the reality of not being able to spend every day with my three best friends, but I also had to go back to school and face everyone. I hadn't seen anyone from school since I had accidentally uploaded the singing video, and I most certainly hadn't seen Heather. My nerves were through the roof but Sam assured me that Heather had completely accepted that the two of us were dating.

"Aurora?" A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I was so deep in my own head that I hadn't even noticed we'd made it to school.

"Yeah?" I replied, studying Heather as she stood in front of me.

"Do ya mind if we talk? Privately?" she asked, eyeing the two boys on either side of me. And there it was.

"Sure," I smiled nervously. Sam and Dean sent me reassuring looks before leaving me with the girl whose boyfriend I had practically stolen. Well, not stolen. She and Sam were hardly together. Focus, Rory! "Listen, Heather, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realise I had made the video public until it was too late-"

"Hey, don't stress yourself out about it," she smiled, "I'm not mad."

"You're not?" I frowned, eyeing her cautiously.

"No," she laughed lightly. "Yeah, I liked Sam but anyone could tell that he was in love with ya. I'm happy for the two of yous."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. I just couldn't grasp how chilled out she was about the whole situation.

"Yeah. I just wanted to let ya know that there's no hard feelings and between you and me, the song is amazing," she grinned, squeezing my arm reassuringly.

"Wow, uh, thank you," I smiled in relief, letting out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding.

"Good luck to you and Sam," she told me before walking off to find her friends. It was at that moment that Harlow strolled up to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What did she want?" she asked curiously as her brown eyes fixed on Heather's retreating form.

"She wanted to wish me and Sam luck, said she wasn't pissed about the song," I told her.

"See I told you you'd be fine," she said, linking her arm through mine. "Now, how was your and Sam's date last night?"


"Heard you're shagging Aurora, eh, Fender?" Jackson smirked at me, his mates around him chuckling. My blood boiled and my jaw clenched, anger coursing throughout me. It was a feeling that Jackson pried from me on a normal day, never mind when he had Rory's name in his mouth. "Always knew she was in love with you. Like a lost fuckin' puppy."

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