Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

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"I can't believe how warm it is," Drew huffed, wiping away the beads of sweat that had formed on his forehead.

It was nearing the middle of June and Rory and I had agreed that it was time to share the news of her pregnancy with our friends. After telling our parents over two weeks ago now, we went on to tell the rest of our family. Liam and Freya were over the moon with the news and both mine and Rory's grandparents were ecstatic. Emily was so excited by the information that my ears didn't stop ringing for the rest of the day.

We decided to invite our friends around for a barbecue. It was subtle enough that it wouldn't raise any suspicion like our relationship reveal did but still intimate enough for us to share the news with our friends.

I hadn't told Rory that Harlow knew. If she wanted her best friend to know that information, she would tell her but as she said, Rory knew that Harlow knew deep down. Not that she acknowledged the fact.

"Canny day for a barbecue though," Jess commented.

"Sorry there's not a lot," Rory apologised sheepishly. "It was a bit of a last-minute decision."

"Well, ya sure did stock up on alcohol," Joe teased as he sipped on his lager.

"That was Sam," she scowled. "Sent him oot to grab food and he came back with about six crates."

"Sounds like Sam," Dean chuckled. "Got his priorities straight I guess."

"We couldn't have a barbie with no drink now, could we?" I scoffed.

"They don't exactly work without food either," she grumbled.

"I got hot dogs and burgers," I pointed out.

"Mate, yer forgot the bloody buns like!" Joe cackled loudly.

"Don't start the missus off now," I chuckled, ducking to dodge Rory's swat and failing miserably. "Rory!"

"Yer deserved that," she told me.

"I'm gan get another drink," Tom mumbled as he pushed himself up from the garden sofa. "Yer want one, Pip? Ya must be bloody gasping for one!"

She let out a quiet snort, "Might have to take a rain check on that one, Tom."

"Not like you," he frowned.

"Aye, well, I've been told it's not good for the bairn," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"What bairn?" Drew snorted in amusement, her announcement flying right over his head.

"No!" Heidi exclaimed in shock, gaping as her eyes flickered between me and Rory.

"What?" Drew asked in confusion.

"Serious?" Jess gasped. Rory nodded. Jess and Heidi leapt from their seats, rushing over to attack my girlfriend with hugs whilst Dean and Joe stared in shock. There was a soft smile held on Tom U's lips along with Johnny and Jay, who wore fond smiles. "Congratulations!"

Our friends began crowding us, lathering us with congratulatory messages and warm embraces. Dean shook himself from his reverie, an ear-splitting grin breaking out across his face as he gathered Rory in a tight hug.

"Congratulations, pet," he whispered to her, pressing a sweet kiss against her temple before pulling me into a hug. "Congrats, mate! I'm so excited for yous."

"Cheers, Deano," I grinned as he gave me a firm clap on the back.

"Are yer fucking with us?" Joe asked as he approached Rory cautiously, who shook her head with a fond smile on her face. Joe's frown dropped and he smacked a hand over his mouth, using his free arm to pull my girlfriend into a bone-crushing hug. "Oh my god."

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