Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven

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"Hello, I'm Sam, Dean's best man," my boyfriend introduced himself. "And I've known Deano for a while now. I still remember him the day he come 'round the corner on his gold bmx back in 2006. It feels like a bloody lifetime ago now but these past fifteen years have been class with you by my side, mate.

"It's been me and Dean for a long time. Until it wasn't. We soon started collecting friends with Tom joining not long after and my girlfriend, Rory just a few years later. I'll never forget the day I met Harls for the first time. Rory had picked her up in the corridors of John Spence and dragged her along with her to meet me and Deano for lunch and d'ya wanna know what one of the first things she said to wor was? That me and Rory would be adorable together. She weren't wrong but it made things just a smidge awkward considering I was madly in love with her at the time but in denial of my feelings, and hers, but that's just Harlow for yer.

"Harlow might seem terrifying, to me at least, but that couldn't be further from the truth. If she likes yer, that is," he laughed. "She's an amazing friend. She'll look after yer and give ya a reet kick up the arse if yer need it, which I have quite a few times over the years... She's pulled me from dark places and given me a few injuries but all in my best interest... I think anyway."

There was a chorus of laughs from the crowd whilst Harlow turned to me with a proud smirk. "I just like hitting him," she whispered to me.

"I know," I giggled.

"Anyone who knows Rory and Harlow knows they're attached at the hip. You'll never find one without the other. Me and Dean learnt that the hard way quite a few times. We've been kicked oot of beds, oot of houses... don't ever think they'll choose us over them 'cause it won't happen," he joked. "It's what makes Dean and Harl such a great match 'cause he too would choose my missus over me."

"He ain't wrong," Dean commented.

"Yer could say I've had a better insight into Dean and Harlow's relationship than most have. I've been lucky enough to watch the two of them blossom into the amazing couple that they are today, even if I was extremely oblivious to it at the start. Rory saw it ages before I picked up on it but I like to think I had a tiny bit of influence over them getting together. That wasn't to say I didn't have the shock of me life when Rory told me like but I couldn't've been happier for my best mate.

"Yer honestly couldn't get a more perfect match than Dean and Harlow. They never argue, although Dean says Harls just tells him to shut up and he does. Sounds like some good advice," he chuckled.

"Take it," I snorted.

"Zip it, missy, I wasn't asking you," he scowled playfully. "But seriously, I'm honoured that you've chosen me to be your best man. Yous really are made for each other and I couldn't be happier for yous, so I'd like to raise a toast. To Dean and Harlow."

"To Dean and Harlow."

I took a small sip from my water before standing, taking the microphone that was passed along. It was my turn now and the thought of speaking in front of all these people was making me feel a bit queasy. Though, that could have easily been the nausea from the pregnancy.

"Hiya, for those of yous that don't know me, I'm Rory, Harlow's best friend of eleven years now," I began. "And as much as Sam loathes to admit it, Dean's best friend of twelve years.

"I met Dean when I was thirteen. I had just moved to Shields and it was my first day at John Spence, so I didn't know anyone. I came across Deano being terrorised by a bunch of bullies and obviously, I couldn't just mind my own. I won't go into details but let's just say I probably gave someone a broken nose," I chuckled. "Sam, Dean and Tom soon took me under their wing and from that day on, yer wouldn't see me without any of 'em.

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