Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One

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"Why do ties have to be so fuckin' complicated?" I groaned in frustration as I tried and failed to tie my own for the seventh time. Liam's wedding day had finally arrived and my brother had torturously chosen for us groomsmen to have ties. It was a stupid decision, considering that he also couldn't tie a tie.

"They're not complicated at all," my dad grumbled as he begrudgingly made his way over to me, batting my hands away from the knotted material and beginning to untangle it. "Yer just never bloody learned."

"What's the point?" I asked as he tactfully made a neat knot. "I usually just get Rory to do it."

"A lad should always know how to tie a tie, kidda," he tutted whilst straightening the material.

"Funny how neither of your sons can do one," Liam snorted from across the room where his best friend, Will was tying his tie. There was a relaxed smirk painted across his lips and he certainly didn't look like someone who was due to get married in the next few hours but then again, I had always been the high-strung one. Situations that would have me in a nervous breakdown likely wouldn't even phase my older brother.

"Have I ever told yous I prefer your lasses?" my dad teased.

"God, tell us sommat we don't know," I chuckled, pulling at the tie in an attempt to loosen it but my dad quickly slapped my hands away.

"Stop it, would yer?" he huffed at me.

"To be fair, I prefer Rory and Freya to Sam and Liam an' all, so I don't blame yer, Al," my cousin, Matt commented.

"Why d'ya think I'm marrying her?" Liam snickered as he stepped up to the mirror to straighten his tie.

"Sam's turn next," another of my cousins, Ethan teased.

"Not for a while yet," I flushed, reaching up to scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. Yes, I knew I wanted to marry Rory. I would marry her tomorrow if I could but it was something she had to agree to. "We're taking things slow."

"Mate, yous are practically living together," Liam's friend, Connor laughed.

"I just like spending time with her, alreet?" I scowled.

"Knock, knock."

"Speak of the devil!" Liam grinned as my granddad swung the door open revealing my girlfriend.

I turned on my heel at the sound of her voice but I wasn't prepared for the sight in front of me. "Wow," I mumbled under my breath, jaw dropping slightly as I drank in her beauty. Her hair was swept up in an intricate do, drawing all the attention to her gorgeous face, the sage green dress she wore highlighting the blue of her eyes.

"We were just talking about you, missy," my brother announced.

Rory's eyes narrowed as she studied him carefully. "Why?" she wondered aloud. "Actually, do I wanna know?"

"Probably not," Matt laughed.

"Jesus, Liam," she tutted as she made her way over to my older brother and began undoing his tie. "Who tied this? Stevie Wonder?"

"Me actually!" Will whined.

Rory's eyes flickered over to the man in question and she shook her head. "Undo yours, I'll come and do it now," she muttered disapprovingly. "Yous are meant to be leaving in ten minutes!"

"Is that why they've sent you, petal?" Alan chuckled.

"I've got instructions to make sure yous are all oot of here by quarter past," she replied as she finished tying Liam's tie and smoothed it down before moving onto Will's.

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