Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six

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"How have I ended up picking yous up again?" I chuckled as the three boys stumbled into the car. I could smell the alcohol on them the second the doors shut and it instantly turned my stomach. I withheld a gag as I subtly rolled down my window, hoping the fresh air would mitigate my nausea.

"This is payback, Pip," Tom scoffed, patting my shoulder heavily from the backseat. "Picked yer up plenty o' times."

"What's his excuse?" I snorted, jabbing my thumb towards my boyfriend in the passenger seat, who looked a little worse for wear.

"Where's my phone?" he slurred under his breath as he searched for said device.

"In your pocket, mate," Dean snorted.

"Oh, yeah," he grinned, pulling out his phone and tapping away before holding it to his ear. Suddenly, my phone started ringing, Sam's caller ID showing on the screen in my car.

"Sam, why're yer ringing us for?" I frowned, ending the call to rid the car of the loud ringtone.

"I'm not," he scoffed. "I'm ringing my missus actually. Need to tell her when I'm home and g'night like."

I held in my laughter as I watched him redial my number in the corner of my eye, focussing more on the road in front of me. "I'm sure she'll appreciate that," I teased but Sam was oblivious to my sarcasm. I quickly ended the call once more as I pulled up outside Tom and Jess' house, knowing it was going to be a long car ride. "There yer go, Tom."

"Cheers, Pip," he slurred, reaching exaggeratedly around the seat to press a sloppy kiss to my cheek before tumbling out of the car.

"Be careful now," I warned him as I watched him stumble up the path and into the house. "Menace."

"Rory, can I stay at yours please?" Dean asked loudly.

"S'ppose so, Deano," I chuckled, glancing at him in my rear-view mirror as I pulled off.

"Rory?" Sam frowned, head whipping in my direction. "Rory! I tried ringing yer, why didn't yer answer us?"

"Cause I've been sat reet next to yer this entire time," I snorted.

"Have yer?" he questioned, the confusion evident in his voice.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes at my idiot of a boyfriend. I didn't bother to answer him. It wasn't worth the hassle, plus I was shattered.

"Ceemon, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum," I called, switching off the engine once I had parked on my driveway. "I'm not carrying either of yous in."

It took a grand total of ten minutes for the two boys to get themselves out of the car and into the house, collapsing on the sofa as I locked the front door behind them. I chuckled under my breath at the pair, Dean looking as though he was going to pass out at any moment and Sam laying across his lap. I quickly snapped a photo before shoving my phone into my back pocket.

"Yer can sleep in the guest room, Dean," I told my friend as I patted him gently on the head to coax him to bed.

He let out an exaggerated yawn and lightly pushed Sam's head from his lap. He wobbled slightly as he stood from the sofa but was quick to regain his balance, leaving me with a soft kiss against my forehead as he bid me goodnight.

"Wanna cuddle," Sam mumbled, sprawled out across the sofa.

"Nee chance," I laughed.

His eyebrows knitted together in a frown as he turned to stare at me in question, his bottom lip jutting outwards in a pout. "What? Why?" he whined.

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