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You quietly push your way past the mobs of people, following that wavy head of silver hair. You'd seen Mirajane Strauss in Sorcerer Weekly magazines, but now you'd get a chance to meet her.

You quietly breathed "excuse me" and "sorry" to the people you bumped into. Your confident in talking to almost any stranger, but you were in a hurry.

"Miss Mirajane!" You called, finally getting to a clearing for you to catch up to her and her guild mates. As she turned around to face you, you almost fell over trying to stop running.

"Oh hello." she says to you. Your only a couple inches shorter than her, but she seems to over-power you.

"Hi!" You smile out of breath. "I was wondering if I could get an autograph? You're my idle." You dig out a pen and pad from your purse and hold it out for her.

"Come on Mira. We're going to be late." A guy with blonde spiky hair said. You immediately identified him as the mighty Laxus.

"Just a minute." Mirajane said to him as she finished her signature, and handed your things back to you. "Here you go!" She smiled.

"Thank you so much!" You tucked the pen and pad back into your purse. "Good luck! I have a feeling Fairy Tail will win this year!" You wave as you rush off.

You ran back to the gift shop and called for your friend. "______! I got her autograph! I told you I got it!" You waved the pad infront of their face.

"What? No way." They took the pad from you and examined it. "You get to hang out with them too?! No fair ______!" they stomped their foot like a four year old.

"What are you talking about?" You didn't read the pad because you thought she only signed it. You took the pad back and read, "Come hang with Fairy Tail tonight! - Love Mirajane S."

Your eyes widened with excitement. The Mirajane Strauss invited you to hang with Fairy Tail. This is a dream come true! "Omg! What am I going to wear?" You rushed out the door without saying goodbye.

Falling To Heaven (Reader x Sting)Where stories live. Discover now