A Sad Day Indeed

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"________!" Sting yelled. "Luna is crying again!" He said as if he didn't knew what to do. Before answering, you listened to her screams.

"You're a dragon slayer! Change her!" You shouted from the bedroom where you finished feeding Eric. The twins are very intelligent, so much that they make different cries for each thing they need.

"Really! You should have at least smelled her fist before asking me." You rolled you eyes as you carried Eric into the nursery. Oh, did I mention you guys bought a house? Let's go back one chapter.

           The House, The Anniversary

"Um... Why are you guys stalling me? Where's Sting?" You asked Lucy and Levy who were obviously stalling. "I have to buy him an anniversary gift!"

"What?! We're not stalling you!" Lucy denied as she urged you to keep going. "Common! The shop I want to go to is just up ahead!" She pointed.

"Lu-chan, give it up, she got us." Levy sighed. "We're stalling you because heidnhdhfpff!" She didn't finish because Lucy put her hand over Levy's mouth.

"Fine! You caught us! But we're not telling you why!" She huffed and turned around and walked back to the guild. "They'll be done by the time we get back anyway."


When you got back to the guild, there were flowers on the ground and arrow signs pointing in the direction of an empty field down the road. You looked back at your guild mates and they nodded, and before they could blink, you sprinted down the row of flowers.

You seemed to be running for hours when the flower trail stopped. You looked around and when you looked up, there it was. A house with red walls, two stories, and a beautiful structure.

"____________!" A voice called you from the front door at the house.

"Sting....! You built this?!" You ran into his open arms. He nodded and kissed you firmly. "Natsu and Gray and Rouge helped a lot... It took almost a year." He paused. "Happy Anniversary."

Today was the day you met Sting 2 and 1/2 years ago. "Gah! Lucy and Levy distracted me from getting your gift!" You threw your hands up in frustration.

"We can worry about that later! Common, o have some things to show you!

Now that you're all caught up... Back on track.

You set him down in his crib with Luna and placed your hands on Sting's shoulders as you stared into his eyes. "Sting... I'm-"

"____________!!!" Juvia burst in (as usual) with tears streaming down her face. "Morgan's dead!"


Wendy was crying over Morgan's dead body at the guild. "I... Couldn't help her...!" She sobbed. Morgan was bleeding, Erza said her spine snapped when she fell off the roof of the guild.

You and Juvia were on your knees, crying your eyes out over the loss. 'She was too young! Morgan...'


Fairy Tail had organized a funeral for her at the cathedral. It was raining, and as they placed the tombstone on her grave, you ran to "her" and bawled. You couldn't stop crying, it was impossible. Morgan was like a little sister to you.

Storm was making just as much a fuss as you were, and Gray could do nothing to calm him down. "Morgan... don't leave."

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