First Job

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"Juvia, wanna go on a job with Levy and me?" (Yes that's correct grammar) you asked Juvia as she passed the job board.

"Oh this is _______'s first job here isn't it?" She thought for a moment. You nodded. "Okay! Juvia will come! Juvia has to make sure Morgan is in good hands." she left to go find someone to help Morgan.

"Is she coming?" Levy said walking up behind you. "Yeah, she's gonna leave Morgan with someone."

"Why not Bisca and Alzack?" Levy suggests. Your eyes sparkle. "That's a great idea Levy!"

"Hey Juvia! Ask Bisca and Alzack!" You call to her and she nods, going over to ask them if they can look after Morgan. Little Asca will have a playmate too!

Juvia jogs back over and takes the job paper from you. "Defeat shifters?" She reads aloud. "They change into the exact opposite of your magic. 'Please bring a holder-type wizard.'" you take the paper back and read that last sentence again.

"Oh... we might need Lucy then." You look up and look around for the blonde, and naturally she was with Natsu. "Hey Lucy! Can you come on a job with us?" You shout across the guild.

She turns around, says something to Natsu then walks over. "I'd be happy to come along!" She smiles.

"Love rival..." Juvia hisses. "Oh stop it." you say to Juvia. "Its just us girls going." you gesture to Levy and Lucy.

She beams and nods, happy that she doesn't have to fight her friends. She leads the way out of the guild. "I gotta go tell Sting we're leaving. Its part of our agreement." The girls wiggle their eyebrows and giggle at you as you blush and start walking towards Sabertooth.

"Where is the town we're going to?" Levy checks the paper.

"Somewhere West of here." Juvia answers and walkes behind you.

Suddenly you stop. "Lets take the magic car." you say and the girls agreed. There was no way you were walking to Sabertooth and to the train station. You could fly, but you'd be the only one.

(Mini time skip)
You opened the doors to the Sabertooth guild and members you'd never seen before glared at you, trying to kill you with their eyes. "What to you want puny fairy?" Some big guy asked you.

"Excuse me? I am not afraid to kick you ass to he-" Sting grabs your arm, stopping you from finishing your sentence.


"Hey." you kiss him. "We're about to leave on a mission so I came to drop by." you spot Rouge being a shadow (no pun intended) "Hey Rouge." you wave and he waves back.

"Just you four?" He nods to the girls who seem ready to kick his ass if he hurts you.

"Yeah..." you nod feeling the awkward silence. "This is not a TV show. Carry on." You flick your hand at the Sabertooth guild and they start to mumble.

"See you when you get back?"

"Maybe." you shrug and wink before turning to leave. "Bye Lector, bye Frosch!" You wave before closing the doors.

"That was awkward." Levy said walking next to you.

"Yeah. probably made you wish you could kiss Gajeel like that." you teased and her face turned red as Erza's hair.

"What are you laughing at Lucy? I bed you fantasize about kissing Natsu 24/7." you tease her too.

"D-do not!" Now her and Levy are both red. Juvia seems to be staring off into space.

"Tamaki." you mumble and crack a smile. "Huh?" Juvia snaps back into reality. "Nothing." you try to keep from laughing.

(Time skip)
You all got off the train and walked into the town, to immediately hear scream. You and the girls rush in the middle of town to find a woman fighting off another woman dressed in the opposite colors the woman that screamed has.

"Shifter?" Levy asks. "Seems so." you reply, and break into your angel soul and start blasting at the attacking woman.

The shifter turns to you and copies your outfit, only in the opposite colors. They blast you with the same attack and sends you flying.

Juvia POV (just for battles)

"________!" I look behind me to see her against a building. "Water Slicer!" I use my attack on the shifter, but it dodges and throws one at me.

I jump out of the way and I see Levy use her solid script as Lucy makes sure ______ is okay.

Your POV

You get up. "How are we supposed to beat this... thing?" You stare at it and something clicks. "Lucy! Use your spirits!" You shake her shoulders.

"Right!" She gasps. She pulls out Scorpio and he attacks with his sand. The shift counter attacks with his own sand.

Lucy switches to Aries but her cotton is thrown back at her. "Is there no stopping this thing?!" You groan.

"Lu! You need one with out powers! One with a weapon!" Levy calls from dogging a 'stone'. Lucy pulls out Taurus .

"Moooooo! I'm ready to crush yoooouu!" He says and attacks the shifter with his axe. The shifter can't change and counter attack, so within a few moves, the shifter is defeated and turns into dust.

"We did it... Lucy did it." You pant. Juvia nods and puts her arm around your shoulder. You all high five and laugh.

"It's to bad we can't be a team." Levy says.

"Yeah. Wouldn't want to pull Lucy from her boyfriend~" you tease. Lucy's face turns red and Juvia snickers.

"What about our reward? How much was it?" Juvia asks. You think for a moment. "5000 jewel I believe." You nod.

You swear Lucy's eyes turn into dollar signs. "I can pay my rent and then some!" She smiles devilishly. You back up a step. "Lets just go get the money and go home.

(Time skip)
"We're back~" you open the Sabertooth doors and once again got stares, but this time Yukino greeted you. "Hey ______, Lucy!" She smiles.

"Hey Yukino. Is Sting here?" You look behind her but only see Rouge snickering. Sting comes from the other side.

"Hey _______." he kisses you and you hear Rouge yell, "Get a room!" This time he says it more playful.

"Maybe we will and you might not be so jealous!" You say back and everyone laughs.

"Ah memories." you sigh. Sting nods and smiles to. "Heading back?" He asks and you nod.

"Bye everyone!" You wave and you leave.

(Time skip)
"We're back!" You kick down the guild doors.

"Hey _______ how'd your fist job go?" Gray asked in his boxers. "Gray~!" Juvia glomps him.

"It went well." Levy answers for you. "Lu saved the day." she smiles as Lucy nods and walks over to Wendy to chat.

"Congrats on your first and successful mission ________!" Mira smiles and Lisanna hugs you. You smile like an idiot as others come to hug you too.

A/N: Donnnnnnnneeee

Lisanna: So I'm kinda confused. Who is _______'s best friend? Me, Juvia, or Levy?

Juvia: Juvia!

Levy: I think it's me.

Gray: Who cares? You're all her friends.

A/N: Why don't we let her decide? Vote Juvia, Lisanna, Or Levy as your best friend.

Erza: Seems childish to me.

A/N: I know, but I need some interaction from the readers!

Mira: Wait! We haven't done the disclaimer in forever!

Wendy: Oh right! Fairy tail characters belong to Hiro Mashima!

Morgan: What's going on...

Natsu: *eats meat*

A/N: Later minna!

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