Oh Shit

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This time you woke up in a different bed... Naked. You sat up and covered yourself and found Gray in the same style. "Gray!" You whisper shouted and you shook him.

He sat up, took one look at you and fell out of the bed. "Why are you naked?!" He panicked. "I dont know!"

"All I remember is a came over changed my shirt and went to bed and fell asleep!" You looked for the shirt and your shorts.

"You woke me up and..." Gray's face turns pale as he remembers something.

"And what...?" You stared into his eyes your face flushing of all color. "And we..." He didn't need to finish before you figured it out. "No. No no no no no no no!" You tossed the comforter on his face, jumped out to the bed, grabbed the clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

When you came back your face was dripping wet. "Juvia's gonna kill me, STING's gonna kill us both!" You paced around the room. Gray went and put some pants on before falling back in the bed and groaning.

"You aren't going to tell ANYONE you slept with me, and I won't tell anyone I slept with you. And we can all just go back to our normal lives." You put the heel of your hand on the bridge of your nose.

"Yup. Nothing happened except I slept on the couch." Gray said trying to make a believable story. You looked at his clock. "Okay I have half an hour before I get morning sickness so I'm going to go home, take a shower and go to the guild. I suggest you take one too because if one of the dragon slayers smells us, it's all over." You say putting on your shoes.

"Not a word." You point at him and walk out with one word running through your head. 'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!'

You opened the door and went into the bathroom. "Hey _________ where were you?" Lucy asked as you walked past her. "No time!" You shouted and did your usual barfing fest then took a shower.

As you were drying your hair, you noticed some purple marks on your neck. You leaned in closer to the mirror and whined. "I'm so dead..." You moved your long brown hair (I forgot to mention you had that...) in front of the hickeys and sighed. "Okay at least I don't have to worry about that."

You grabbed some toast on the way out and walked, no ran all the way to Fairy Tail. Juvia immediately greeted you and you forgot to breathe until she pulled you further inside the guild. You saw that Gray still wasn't here and that was good. You bumped into Natsu and he looked at you strangely. 'Shit I didn't scrub hard enough!' You curse at yourself and cover Natsu's mouth as you wiggle out of Juvia's grasp.

"Not one word about what you smell. Say anything to anyone and I will make sure you aren't alive. Do I make myself clear?" You hiss a and he nods scared.

"But why do you smell like Gray?" He whispered. "I slept in his bed. He slept on the couch. Don't get any idea's." You walked away and sat by yourself at a table and hid your face from the world.


You woke up. This time for real. Your clothes were still on, and Gray was on the other side of the bed. You sighed in relief. "What a fucked up dream." You scolded your brain and climbed over Gray and found a pen and paper.

You wrote: 'Went home. See you at the guild.' And stuck it on his forehead with a piece of tape.


At Fairy Tail, you walked over to Levy and explained your dream to her. "Well __________ it seems that you're still not over the fact that you're pregnant and told Sting you're done with him." She said coolly, obviously hiding the fact that she's shocked.

You sigh. "But why Gray? Juvia is one of my best friends and I would never do something like that on purpose!" You whined.

"Do what on purpose?" Juvia said from behind you. You shrieked at her sneakiness. 'Oh shit...'

"Have a dream where I... Slept with Gray... On accident! And unconsciously!" You pointed out. She stared into your soul and you were ready to die when she smiled at you. "As long as it was a dream, Juvia isn't mad." She walked away and you could tell she was half lying.

Well that was an... Eventful day, but it ended in some weird shit. :P

A/N: 😈😈😈 I know. I'm evil. This chapter just kind of came to me as I was playing with my cat.

Mira: So evil A/N...

Rouge: You are seriously messed up A/N

Gajeel: Who thinks up this stuff while playing with a cat?

A/N: live evil. *anxiously awaits reader's comments*

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