Dragons At Out Door (Part 2)

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Hello minna! Here's part 2 of Dragons At Our Door. Enjoy some dragon ass-whooping!

You defeated the dragon, but not after gaining some battle scars. As you flew higher in the air, you saw all the destruction the dragons and mages were causing. You stared in awe of all of the debris, and hoped there were no casualties.

You saw Natsu in the distance on a dragon, and he seemed to be fighting someone else. "That's odd..." A blast of fire broke your thoughts as it just missed your wing. "Dammit!" You ignored the burning sensation and looked for the source. It was a slightly bigger dragon than the one you fought before. "Why the hell are these things here?!" You took out a sword and used magic to propel the blade towards the dragons' head.

It was a direct hit, but your sword didn't penetrate deep because of the scales. The dragon tossed its head around and you griped the sword for dear life as you watched a dragon head towards the giant door.

A force hits you with so much power, you let go of your sword and fall back. Your ears are ringing and you start to lose consciousness and you return to normal in tattered and ripped clothes. The last thing you remember is cheering and screaming and the light of the fire.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I used the other stuff in the previous choppy so...

Levy: No it was good.

Happy: Aye sir!

Natsu: Haha! I was in this one! *pumps fist in the air*

Lucy: *rolls eyes and smiles*

A/N: You liiiiiiiiiiike him!

Lucy: Wut

Happy: You really, really liike him!

Lucy: Shut up!

A/N: Till next time minna! Next chapter will be a little more lax.

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