Birthday Wishes

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You leaped out of bed (literally) and landed lightly on the balls of your feet. You turned to the peaceful Lucy sleeping in her bed and gently shook her. "Lucy wake up."

She turned over and mumbled something and slowly got up. She smiled at you and said, "Good morning ________." Then she kicked her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

You nodded and went to go make breakfast while Lucy took a bath. You never understood why she takes one all the time but you decided not to bother her about it. You made waffles and set the table for two.

Lucy came out just in time for the waffles and sat down and poured some syrup on them. You ate yours without the syrup because they tasted better to you that way.

As soon as you were done eating, the both of you walked to the guild hall. You went through the doors and sat down with your girls. "Hey hey hey!" You plopped down and smiled at them.

"Hey _______! How's living with Lucy?" Lisanna asked and leaned on her elbow. "Great!" You replied.

Levy leaned on your shoulder. "How about Sting?" She wiggled her eyebrows at you. You instantly blushed and looked down. "I actually haven't seen him in a while."

Suddenly the world went dark and giggles were heard around you. You gasped and prepared to elbow the person but then you heard "Guess who!"

You ripped the hands away and turned around and looked at Sting. "Sting!" You leaped into his arms and hugged him. He hugged you back and kissed your head. "Happy Birthday ________!"

You pulled back. "What?" You asked utterly confused. He laughed. "Your guild told me it was your birthday." You pressed your head to your forehead. "Oh yeah... It is my birthday...!" You laughed at your forgetfulness.

"But how did you guys find out?" You looked at everyone and they smiled back at you. "Your dad told us!" Mirajane said.

You blinked. "My... What?"

"Your dad came by a couple days ago and said your birthday was coming up after he wanted to see you. But you weren't here so he said he'd come by today!" Lisanna smiled.

You scowled. "No..." You balled your hands into fists, and as if on cue, in stepped your father. "Hello _________! Happy birthday!" He smiled with a new girl on his arm.

You marched right up to him and slapped him. It rang through the guild. "_______! What'd you do that for?!" Levy stood up.

You ignored her. "I SAID I NEVER WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN, DIDNT I?!" You screamed at him.

"Yes but-" you cut him off. "But what? You thought I'd forget? You thought I'd let it slide just because it's my birthday?!"

"_________ I think you need to calm down..." Sting put a hand on your shoulder and you smacked it away. "NO!" You screamed full of anger now. "NONE OF YOU ASKED ME IF THIS WAS OKAY! YOY JUST ASSUMED I WANTED TO SEE HIM!" You turned to your guild mates who were in utter shock.

"Why don't you then?" Erza asked. You glared at your father. "Yes daddy. Why don't I want to see you?"

"________ I honestly didn't want to hurt you its just..." He started. You scoffed. "Again with the excuses. And thanks to you, I don't know where my mom is." You crossed your arms.

Sting grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a hug just when you broke down. "I think it would be best if you left." Sting said to your father and he nodded slowly and handed Sting a box and walked out with his girlfriend.

You were the only sound anyone could hear, for the guild was silent until you had stopped crying. You looked at the box and frowned. "Happy birthday to me..." You took it and walked away somewhere in the guild where you wanted to be alone.


On the roof you stared at the neatly wrapped box in your hand. You carefully to apart the wrapping paper for reasons unknown, and opened the little black box to find your mother's wedding ring. You looked at it with anger and pulled it out, ready to throw it off the roof, when you closed your hand around it and pulled it back to you.

You looked at the ring and softly sang, "A very unhappy birthday to me, to me. A very unhappy birthday to you? No me..." You slipped the ring on your finger and smiled a little at it.

Yes it was an unhappy birthday, but it was with the ones you loved. Even if you didn't know it.

A/N: Fin.

Mirajane: Wow...

Cana: You guys don't remember that chapter where she yelled at her dad? What was the name of it again...?

Levy: What Fate Did To Us

Cana: Yeah that one.

Sting: Daddy issues all over the place.

Natsu: Do dragons count?

You: Where was Rouge? I kinda wanted to see him too

A/N: I was gonna have him come, but it would have messed everything up so I decided to leave him out. Okay until next time minna!

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