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Since you were moving to Magnoila, you had a whole horse-cart full of things and a duffle bag to go with. Come to find out that Erza has the same amount of stuff in her wagon, and half of it is for armor! "Wow _______ do you really need that much stuff?" Lucy looked up and down at the cart.

"I heard that _________ was moving to Magnolia from here." Juvia came behind Lucy. You nod and smile. "It's a little hard saying goodbye to my friends, but I'm sure I'll make new ones."

"Well said." Erza nodded. Master then told you it was time to leave and you all started to move out.

You tugged on your cart but it wouldn't budge. "ugh!" You pulled harder and still nothing. You huffed and knew you had to leave stuff behind, but when you looked up you noticed Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel on your cart. "GET THE HELL OFF MY STUFF BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASSES INTO THE GROUND!" You yelled very irritated.

Gray and Natsu immediately hopped off, but Gajeel refused to submit to you. That was not going to slide. You climbed up there yourself (in a dress I might add) and pulled his ear. "Ow! Hey get off me!" He squirmed, but your padlock grip did not loosen. "I'm getting off!" He yelled in defeat and he tried sliding down, and it was only then when you let go of his ear.

You were finally able to pull the cart and it was way lighter than trying to move 3 150-ish pound men. Luckily, Levy, Lisana, Lucy, and Juvia were waiting for you to catch up to them. "Idiots. All of them." you groaned.

"Amen." Levy agreed and you all giggled. Juvia kept looking for something and your curiosity stepped in. "Whatcha looking for Juvia?" You asks as she seems to have snapped back into reality.

"Juvia found a little girl yesterday and she didn't have a home, so Juvia offered her to come with us but Juvia can't find her." She says with a look of worry on her face.

"Well ok, what does she look like?" You switched pulling hands.

"She's this tall," Juvia leveled her hand just under her hip. "She has pretty curly silver hair, and pretty green eyes." she smiled. "Juvia didn't get her name." All four girls nodded, remembering details.

"We'll find her Juvia, don't worry!" Lisanna smiled her trademark smile.

"Yeah!" Lucy pumped her fist in the air like it was a new mission... which it was. Juvia smiled and began looking again.

"Gray?" You called. He jogged up to you. "Can you pull this for me? I need to help Juvia look for something." you batted your eyelashes and prayed to the universe that Juvia wasn't looking.

"Uh... sure..." he took the handle from you.

"Thanks! You're a doll!" You smiled and broke out your wings for an aerial view of the streets.

There was a narrow alley you flew over and you quickly glance below. You had to do a double take because you saw some silver down below and you went to check it out.

You landed to see a girl with silver curls tucked in a ball with her head in her knees so you couldn't see her face. "Excuse me, are you alright?" You asked quietly so as not to scare her. Her clothes were in tatters and she looked dirty.

She looked up at you and had the most gorgeous green eyes you'd ever seen. "I can't find my friend." She sobs a little.

"What does your friend look like?" You hoped it was Juvia.

"She's tall, and has blue hair..." she sniffs. "And she was really nice and offered me to join her guild." she was crying again.

"You mean this one?" You hold out your hand to show her your guild mark. She looks at it and nods. "I'm a friend of your friend. She was looking for you. We're leaving now, common." You smile sweetly and she stands up.

You get behind her and wrap your arms around her waist and fly up above the buildings and back to the group. "Gray, go get Juvia, Lucy, Lisanna, and Levy and tell them I found her." He nods and you take back your wagon.

"What's your name?" You ask the girl as you set her ontop of all your stuff. "Morgan." She answers.
"That's a pretty name. My name is ________. Juvia is the one that invited you to stay with us." you continue to pull as you see the girls and Gray walking back.

Juvia runs up to your cart and Morgan jumps down to hug her. "Juvia!" She smiles. "_______ found me." she points to you and you smile sweetly.

'Thank you.' Juvia mouths to you and you nod.

"Let's get a move on!" Levy said smiling at waiting on you. You laugh. "Coming! Let's go Juvia, Morgan." you smile at the girls and walk towards the train stations.

(Time skip)

You all boarded the train, and luckily there were only 10 passengers (all in one car) so all of Fairy Tail got to be together. "So ________, you've never been to Magnolia?" Natsu asks you tiredly as he has motion sickness.

"Nope. Lived all my life in Crocus and the farthest I've gone was to Era." You shrug and pet Juvia that was asleep with Morgan asleep on her lap.

"Where are you going to live?" Erza asked looking at the diner car menu.

"Lucy..." you look at her and give her puppy dog eyes. "Can I stay with you? I'll pay half the rent I promise." you say.

"Of course!" She beams, obviously because you offered to pay rent. "You can help me keep these three out." she pointed to Natsu, Gray, and Erza.


(Time skip again)

You step off the train and enter Magnolia, home to Fairy Tail. "Wow..." you and Morgan say together. You didn't even know she was on your leg.

"Welcome to Magnolia." Lucy says to you and Morgan, but mostly to you. "We're gonna go to the guild before heading home okay?" She says.

"And you can stay with Juvia." Juvia pries Morgan off your leg and you silently thank her as you shake your leg awake.

You walked up the street and the citizens of Magnolia came to greet you all and congratulate you on winning the games. You smile and wave as you near the guild itself and it looks better than you imagined.

"LET'S CELEBRATE!" Master shouted to everyone. You all cheered louder and smiled and laugh as you rushed into the guild, which looked bigger on the inside than it did out.

Sooner or later, you all passes out from too much partying and fell asleep on next to Gray in a 'together' position (facing each other and his arms on you) Juvia nor Sting would be happy if they saw you like this.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I have a request for you guys. Can you go check out ErpaeofLand 's Falling For The Monsters. Please and thank you!

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