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OMG MINNA! over 1K reads?! Thank you so much! I know it's been taking me forever, but that's because Hulu wasn't working. Enjoy the battle and more!

Wendy: A little disclaimer: This chapter will include cuss words. You've been warned!
Sting signals for Rouge and him to move, but Natsu and Gajeel are already there. Natsu and Gajeel get the first punch of the match.

As Sting is flying back from the shock, Natsu goes in for another punch, throwing Sting to the ground where he lands on sliding backwards. "White Dragon... Roar!" He says, trying to get the element of surprise. Natsu easily dodges the blast, but is confused by it's lazer-like form.

With Rouge and Gajeel, Rouge goes for a shadow punch, ("shadow dragon slash!") but Gajeel turns his arm to steal, and blocks the shot with little effort, and knocks him away towards Sting and Natsu.

Natsu comes flying out of the dust with Rouge's face in his hand, hurtling towards Sting and hitting his face with The back of Rouge's head, then lighting his hand on fire, thus lighting the twins on fire. It was a unbelievable wing attack!

"Oh yeah!" We all scream from the stands. The boys were doing great and you had faith in them. Like Milliana said, "first to move, first to win!"

"The Twin Dragons of Fiore's mightiest guild--are being overwhelmed!" The announcer calls. At this point you didn't want Sting to win anymore; this was Fairy Tail's time to show the world we're back and ready for action!

"You're tough alright. I wouldn't want it any other way." Sting wipes some blood from his face.

"Gajeel." is all Rouge says. Talk about obsessive.

"Did you guys really defeat your dragons with that measly power?" Natsu scoffs.

'They defeated their dragons? At like... 5 years old or something? That's some bullshit right there.' You think to yourself.

"We didn't 'defeat' them. We killed them with our own hands!" Sting smirks.

'Now THAT is absolute bullshit. There is no way they killed their dragons at age 5 or 6. There's no way.' You crossed your arms. He had a gigantic ego, and now he's puffing it up even more by lying? "What do I see in him?" You say out-loud.

"Hm?" Master turns around to look at you.

You blush and try not to be in trouble. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" You wave your hands in front of your face. He shrugs it off and turns around again and you sigh. Happy was about to say something, but you flicked him and went back to the match.

"Weren't they your parents though?" Natsu said. You guess he's trying to figure out why they hurt their family.

"It's none of your business." Sting replies. "But now you get to witness our dragon-slaying power for yourself!"

That reminded you of a song you heard once. "'Cause he's got a big ego...
Such a huge ego...
And I love his big ego..." you sang even though his ego annoyed the hell out of you.

"White Drive..." Sting said in a menacing voice.

"Shadow Drive..." Rouge said in the same way.

They both had aura's of their respective power: white aura- Sting; black/dark aura- Rouge. Was this immense magic power what they meant? You felt some pressure, but you were sure you couldn't kill a dragon with it. Let alone at the age they supposedly did it.

Now the four boys just had a stare off. You completely blocked out the announcer and just watched the boys with your elbows on the edge and you enclosing Happy in a space between your arms and large chest.

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