The Danger Has Passed... For Now

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Title mean you're going to fight Tartarus~ bloop bloop

"She's awake." Rouge said and he just left.


All of the sudden your friends rushed in with smiles and tears. "You're okay!" Your team threw their arms over you and Juvia was practically melting. "Yeah... Um... Where's...?" You tried looking through the crowded room but Sting Nor our children were anywhere to be found.

"__________..." Freed started. "How long do you think you've been asleep?" He looked at you like you were insane.

"I dunno... A day maybe?" You were worried why were they looking at you like that? "What's going on?"

"You've been asleep for a month and a half... Sting stopped coming about a week ago..." Lucy said to you with tears in her eyes. You were angry, no furious. How could you fall into a coma after having two miracles?!

You started ripping of cords and tubes from your body, and hearing the loud beeping noise again. "Someone hand me my clothes." You said looking at the shocked mass of people.

"But __________-chan..." Juvia started.

"HAND ME MY DAMN CLOTHES!" You bark orders and Natsu throws them on your legs. "Go get em." He says with a smile. He's the only one who understands you. You nod back at him, changing in a flash, and rushing out the door.


"WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!" You said busting into Sabertooth with hot blood running through your veins. "________... You're okay!" Yukino says with her hand covering her mouth. You don't have time for her right now. "Yukino! Where is Sting?! Where are my children?!" You grab her shoulders and shake her. She sloppily points upstairs, and without saying thank you, you bolt up the stairs.

Kicking down the door, you see Sting holding the twins in his arms. He was about to say something, but he realized it was you. You didn't say one word to him at first, but instead walk over to him and took your children from his arms and cuddled them. Suddenly it hit you. "What have they been eating?" You almost glared at Sting.

Breaking from his daze, he responds. "Yukino's been helping with them..." He said sheepishly. You growled a bit before walking out of the room. Without another word.


Back at Lucy's, you were playing with the twins and they seemed happy. "Where's mommy?" You hid behind your hands. "Here she is!" You showed your face to them and they bubbled with joy.

You noticed that both Eric and Luna had your eyes, but dirty blond hair, and they looked just like you. You giving them raspberries when you heard a voice behind you.

"Oh hey __________." You screamed a bit, startling the twins and they started crying. You turned around and hissed. "Natsu! Look what you did!"

"Me?!" He seemed shocked that you would blame him. Turning your attention back to the bundles of screaming joy, you whipped their tears away and wiggled their noses with your finger in an attempt to calm them down again.

As usual, it worked and they were laughing again. Such majestic creatures. You thought. "What are you even doing here?" You remember the hot-headed Mage was there.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said, staring at your daughter. "Shoot."

"Are babies... fun to have?" He said shifting his gaze to your eyes. You didn't need to think. "Well Natsu I've only been with these two for a day, but yeah. But you should know, Lucy's going to be skeptical about it. You all heard my screaming, it's very painful. But y'know, Lucy may be up for it."

He seemed even more shocked than before. "How'd you..."

"Know? The ring is on your finger so you won't lose it, you came in through the door, and you aren't taking a nap like you usually do. Listen, you take Eric," you give Natsu your son and position his arms on how to hold him. "And I'll be in the bathroom. When you propose, you can just put him in the stroller over there. Good luck." You hug him and slip into the bathroom with Luna just as Lucy walks in.

Deciding not to eves drop, you got a book you stole from Levy out from under the sink and opened it. "Let's see... What magic should you and your brother have?" You asked Luna as you opened it up to a page and showed it to her.

Luna scanned the page almost as if she was reading it. She placed her hand on the words that said "make magic." You replaced her hand with your finger and looked at the book yourself. "You wanna use make magic honey? Like uncle Gray?"

Suddenly your chat time with Luna was interrupted by a loud "YES!" You assumed Lucy said she's marry Natsu. You turned your attention back to your daughter and started to read the types to her. "Ice make? Memory make? Space make? Light mak-" she bubbled as if she wanted to use that magic.

"Okay Luna, honey." You chuckled before Natsu burst into the room. "_________ SHE SAID YES!" He picked you up and spun you around.

"I know!" You laughed. "What's did you say to her?" You ask. "I just told her I loved her while holding Eric." He said handing him back to you. You smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

"Oh and before I forget, Sting said's he's sorry." Natsu said walking out, light on his feet.

Sighing you take the twins and put them in their crib and crawl into bed after a long day.


Wendy: Why are you yelling


Mavis: Hehe😅

Makorov: First?

Mavis: Nothing!!

Gray: What about me and 'silver'?

A/N: Don't even get me started! Just be glad you have Juvia that's all I'm saying

Juvia: Gray will need me!

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