Sass and Stings

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You had mastered take-over magic when you were younger, and had taken on Angel Souls. The opposite to Mirajane's magic, but just as powerful.

You were on your way to get some extra training, so you found the perfect spot near the edge of town. It had a rock formation that was perfect for your magic to handle.

You wore a light blue swim suit with a light-weight navy blue mini skirt. You arrived at the destination you set out to find.

Flying with less clothes is easier for you when you don't have the added weight, so you train without them.

"Angel Soul!" You command your magic to activate. Beside your hair and the color, you looked like Mirajane's Satan Soul. Your Gold and white scales glinted in the sunlight, and your feathered wings looked soft.

As you took to the sky, you picked a big rock to practice on. "Heavenly Ray!" A beam of light comes from your fingertips, disintegrating the rock.

Next you focused your attention to an even bigger rock. "Holy La-" You didn't even have time to finish when a white light blasted your rock into bits and pieces.

You angrily looked for a source of the magic when you spotted four figures down below you. You flew down and landed infront of them.

"You mind telling me what the hell you think you're doing?" You look at the two men infront of you. It was Sting Eucliffe and Rouge Cheny.

"Practicing. Duh." replied Sting. His remark was so sour you could have spit.

"Ya well, I was training here first, so take a hike." You said taking a step closer to him, changing back to your regular form.

"I'm not going to leave because a girl told me to." Sting took a step closer to you.

"You'd be surprised at what this girl can do dragon breath." you took another step, and was only two feet away from him.

"I'd like to see you try." Sting advanced again, pressing his forehead on yours, as you both fought for the upper hand.

"Ugh. Get a room." Rouge complained.

You side step away from the light dragon slayer, almost making him fall forward. "We just might and maybe you wouldn't be so jealous." you said looking at your nails because you owned him.

"Pft. Whatever. Just leave so we could get back to training already." Rouge huffed obviously irritated.

"You wanna fight me?!" You growled like a dog. You were not going to let them take your training ground. The one that took you hours to find.

"_______! Please don't do anything!" Lector ran in between you and the dragon slayers.

"Lector you know her?!" Sting looked at his exceed astonished. Lector nodded and tried to change the subject.

"Are you going to sing at the opening ceremony?" Lector asked you.

"Um... Yeah, I think so." you weren't sure if you could do it. You liked sing for crowds, but not millions of people.

"You sing? Ya right." Sting scoffed. You would have tackled him if Lector wasn't in the way, so all you did was flip him off without so much as a glance.

"We'll leave _______, just please don't do anything." Lector pleaded with you which was strange because when you met him, he was so confident about Sting, he would have bet all his money on it.

"No it's ok." You bent down to scratch behind his ear again. You notice Frocsh out of the corner of your arm.

"Hey Frocsh! Come here buddy!" You sat on your knees completely ignoring the dragon slayers. Frocsh was hesitant, and looked at Lector.

"You stay away from him." Rouge said coldly. You ignored him and pulled out a plush toy of Frosch from your duffle bag hand held it out for Frocsh to see.

"I won't hurt your. I just wanted to give you this." you said honest-to-goodness. So you put it down infront of you and stood up.

"Good luck at the games. Your going to need it because Fairy Tail was going to win this year." you were sure of it. Of you had any spare money, you'd bet on it.

"No they wont. They come in last place every year. This isn't going to be any different." Rouge said still guarding Frocsh.

"Keep telling yourself that." and with that, you walked away, not even bothering to listen to what else they had to say.

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