Torn Apart

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Hey minna-san. Enjoy the chappy!

"Eeeeeee! The next match is dragon slayer vs dragon slayer! Who do you think will win?"

"Sabertooth obviously." Two super ugly girls in the stand were talking about the match and how weak you as a guild were. You threw balls of light from your fingertips at them, and they ended up fried an a little hurt.
"Oops." You giggle. That'll teach them.

"________! Hurry up! The match is about to start!" Happy called you over.

"I'm coming." you laugh. You walk up behind happy and put your hands on the edge on either side of him. "If the don't win, they'll have to answer to me." you playfully threaten them.

"Gajeel can do this!" Levy said holding Pantherlily in her arms. Lily just nodded and didn't take his eyes off the arena.

"Girl chill... I'm pretty sure you're going to crush him soon..." you sweat drop. Her crush ran deep through her heart. You never did figure out why she fell in love with someone that beat up Shadow Gear, knocked her unconscious, and locked her up on a tree.

"Hey Levy? Why do you like Gajeel?" You said, and Happy jumped at the chance.
"She lllllllllllliiiiiiikes him!" He rolled his tongue.

Levy's face turned red and she stuttered trying to deny it. You let her go and turned back to the match. "GO NATSU! GO GAJEEL! KICK THEIR THIRD GEN ASSES!" You called louder than anyone else. Sting and Rouge looked up at you, and you smirked, sticking up both middle fingers at them.

Rouge turned back to Gajeel, but Sting had a hurt look on his face. I guess it just looked like you didn't return his feelings. That could be a problem...

Lisanna taps your shoulder and you break out of your thoughts. "How serious are you guys?" She whispers in your ear.

Your face turns red. "H-how did you know?!" You try to keep quiet.

She smiled. "You don't get a bruise like that from fighting. And he obviously likes you. When you flipped him off, he looked hurt." she stood next to you, and Levy looked over.

"You really are Mira's sister." You sighed. Levy smirked and started teasing you about it.
"Sting and ________, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She giggled.

"Shhh!" You slap her arm and turn back to the match. The boys were at a stand-off.

You feel a tightness in your stomach. Do you want Fairy Tail to win... or Sting? The answer should be easy right? Then why was it so hard to make a decision?

A/N: Next chapter will be the actual fight. Promise!

Lucy: You're being very lazy

A/N: I know! It's Sunday night, I have school in the morning, and I don't really feel like looking at the actual battle right now!

Levy: you know, if you keep being lazy, people will stop reading this.

Natsu: This part is more interesting than the story right now.

You: They've got a point

A/N: *sulks in corner*

Wendy: Um... Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail...

Lisanna: stop being so mean to her you guys! So what if she's lazy? At least she took out sleeping time to write this!

Loke: True...


Falling To Heaven (Reader x Sting)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن