Wedding Bells

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The one on the left of your wedding dress, and the one one right is the bridesmaids' dresses.

The girls were absolutely giddy about your wedding dress. You twirled again and made sure you could walk in it. "Hey can someone check if there are any threads loose?" You wanted everything to be perfect so you checked the front, and the girls checked the back and the sides. "All set!"

Lily hugged you. "Thank you so much for inviting me _________! I brought my kids... I can't leave him with them." She referred to her Natsu. Sure she's from another universe, but that doesn't mean she can't come!

"That's great! I actually want to meet them." You smiled as you heard music from outside. You gasped and put the girls in line from shortest to tallest. You all went outside the doors and turned the corner to the main room (front of the curch) and they opened the doors, walking single file up to the alter.

Morgan and Wendy were the flower girls and she went out before you, spreading (favorite flower) on the carpet. When they got the front of first row of seats, you started to walk down the isle as the orchestra played.

Slowly, all eyes turned to the beauty that was you. Sting's jaw seemed to unloosen itself and Rouge had to close it for him. The girls had trouble containing themselves and you silently hushed them.

As you stepped up to the alter, you could tell Sting was anxious to kiss you already. The priest was master Makorov. "Friends and family, we are gathered here today to join these to, not only people, but guilds. Surprisingly, they have thought of their own vows. Make it good Sting." Everyone laughed for a little while before you started.

"Sting. The day we met, I flipped you and Rouge off and cursed you for stealing my practice rock," laughter from everyone. "And now I curse you for stealing my heart. And even though I kneed you in the balls like a million times, I'm glad I did because we wouldn't be here without that. I love you, so much."

Sting took a deep breath and looked you straight in the eyes. "__________, the first day I laid eyes on you, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And every time you harmed me, you broke the shell on my heart a little more. And I want to apologize to all of Fairy Tail for calling you weak, and Sabertooth's actions during the Games. But all I really want to say is... I love you."

You were on the verge of tears. "God. I am waiting for the day when I stop crying like I'm not even sure I have any more water left in my body!" You chuckled.

"Then by the power vested in me, you may kiss the bride." Makorov finally said and Sting pulled you to him and kissed you like it was your last. Everyone stood up and cheered clapping and whistling.

You broke away and pulled Sting down the isle in a rush and out the doors with everyone following. "TO THE RECEPTION!" You shouted.

A/N: I was too excited to write the bachelor party. What's so exciting about a bunch of boys drinking? I was also gonna have that Frollo guy try to poison you, but I was like nahhhh we've already had a lot of drama.

Mira: CANON FOR LIIIFE! CANON FOR LIIFE! *dancing around*

Lisanna: I'm surprised she can even speak words...

Rouge: I'm really happy for them!

Frocsh: Fro thinks so too! (Been a while since we've seen this little guy)

Lector: Yay!! I was the first person in Sabertooth to know ________-kun

Lily: My wedding was better

You: Oh yeah?

Lily: YEAH


Lily's Natsu, Sting: 😅

Lucas: Mamma's friend got married!

Rin: Bawwa baba!

Morgan: Who are you guys?


A/N: Mira's right! Food, presents, dancing, and even more presents! I'll work as fast as I can! Later minna!!!!

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