Aplogies and Tears

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You creeped into Sabertooth. Praying to (the) God(s) (For those with religious differences) That no one would alert Sting you were here. You spotted the person you were looking for and sneaked over to him.

"Rouge." You whispered. He turned around to find you almost attached to his back. "________?" He said rather loudly.

"Shhh!" You pulled him down under the table with you. "I need to know where Sting lives."

He looks at you. "You know he's pretty pissed. He said your singing was the worst beautiful thing he ever heard."

"I know I know." You nodded. "I need to know where! It's a matter of life or death for the tiny human in me!" You urged him to tell you. He looked at your stomach and sighed. "Follow me." He turned you into a shadow and you followed his.

Up the stairs and to a hallway that was unfamiliar was where Rouge stopped and turned you back. "This one." He pointed to the door. "He's still asleep so be quiet." Rouge warned you. You sucked in a breath through your teeth.

Rouge opened the door for you and left. You slipped in and closed it behind you, waking up Lector. You put your finger to your lip and signaled him to keep quiet. He nodded, and you tip toed over to the other side of his bed and scooted a chair across the carpet and sat down next to Sting.

Lector crawled over to you and sat in your lap and you waited for Sting to wake up together. His snoring was soft and kind of cute to you. You started crying and tears kept hitting Lectors head.

He looked up at you and frowned. Standing on your legs, he whipped away your tears and sat back down. You hugged him and kept waiting.

But you didn't have to wait long because Sting eventually turned enough to wake himself up. He opened his eyes and saw you sitting in the chair. He sat up and hung his legs over the side of the bed and stared at you.

Without one word, he got up and started walking to his bathroom. "You aren't going to say anything?" You stood up and followed him to the other side of the bed.

He sighed. "What do you want _________?" You blinked back tears. "You. Sting, I want you." You held your arms and looked at him, pleading with your eyes.

"After what you did? I said I was sorry and you brushed me off. You were done. And now you want me back?" He growls at you and you take a step back.

"I know what I said, and I'm sorry! I was angry and hormonal! Who was the one that calmed me down when my father came? Who was the one that tried to stop me from fight some dragons to try to keep me safe? Who was the one that asked me to join his guild because he loved me?" You couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"You should have thought about that."

"Sting please I CANT DO THIS ALONE!" You screamed the tears not stopping the flow from your eyes. You sank you your knees and put your hand on your stomach. "I won't let my child be a bastard. You can't do that to us!" Your vision blurred.

Forgetting Lector was there the whole time, he ran out the door, leaving it wide open. Sting ran his fingers through his hair. He was at a loss of words.

"I've made a lot of mistakes recently and they're all because we made a mistake together, and now we have to pay the price." You sniff. "You can't be telling me you don't love me anymore."

Sting looked at you. His face displaying a thousand emotions that you couldn't read. "I can't do it alone." You whispered.

The hiccups started and you thought you wouldn't be able to breathe if he didn't answer soon. He knelt beside you and hugged you, rocking you back and forth. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You don't have to do anything alone anymore." He said and you continued to cry until you fell asleep in his arms. 'Look at me. I'm such a cry baby.'

You don't know what time it was when you woke up, but you were in Fairy Tail. "When did I...?"


"Ahh!" You screamed and slapped Rouge. "How many times do I have to tell you people I react when I get scared?!" You sit up in a bed in the master's office.

"It was getting late. Now common, he's waiting for you." He who? You stood up in what you wore earlier and it smelled of salt. "How long was I crying for?" You mumbled too yourself.

"I need something sharp and a mirror." You said talking to the people in the room. Lucy went to go get the things out of the master's desk.

She handed them to you and you looked at your eyes and saw that there wasn't any puffiness which was good. Then you poked yourself in a vein with the sowing pin and closed your eyes.

When you opened them again you were in the same room with the same people with an unsanitary needle in your arm. You pulled it out and tossed the pin somewhere and stood up. "What's happening?"

That's when everyone smirked and Rouge pushed you out side where the rest of Fairy Tail was waiting along with some of Sabertooth. You stumbled a bit but caught your footing and glared back at Rouge.

Right in your line of vision, was Sting Elucliffe. He stood in front of you with a grin. You got suspicious and raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing...?"

He got down on one knee, held your hand and looked you right in the eyes. "I honestly never thought I'd say this but... _________ ________(last name) Will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and... marry me?"

You held your breath. Everyone held their breaths. You looked at the ring he held. A gold band with beautiful white carvings in it. You got down on both knees to his level and nodded your head. "It would make me the happiest girl in the world if you were my husband."

The tension in the room stopped and filled with happiness. You held Sting's face and kissed him after he slipped the ring over the one your father gave you. You were crying again, but these were tears of joy.

Levy: Where's A/N?

Happy: Crying in a corner

A/N: *crying in a corner*

Carla: Okay so for those who don't understand: a bastard is a person without a parent. Like a boy with a dead mother would be a bastard. If you STILL don't understand, go watch Game Of Thrones

Natsu: Oh...

Wendy: Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail

Juvia: I think A/N might be pregnant herself.

Lisanna: Why do you say that?

Juvia: because these chapters are weird

A/N: Shut up Juvia I'm 14! *continues to cry next to Tamaki*

Falling To Heaven (Reader x Sting)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz