Surprise Surprise

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Alas, the day of the Games has finally arrived. You and Erza were itching to show off your powers once again while Natsu and Lucy were making out behind you.

"For the love of-- get a room!" Your shout to them and roll your eyes. "Today is no different than two years ago yeah? You know what we're gonna do? You two are gonna be friends like you used to be. No kissing, no hugging, no PDA whatsoever! Got me?" You're practically steaming.

"Yes ma'am!" The quiver and step away from each other. You turn back to the arena where the announcer was talking again. Nothing he said really mattered to you, so you blocked him out.

When the little pumpkin guy started to announce the first all-guild-match. "Let's play Cornucopia!" It laughs and a giant cornucopia appears in the center of the arena, then eight platforms surround it.

"One representative from each team will stand on one platform and they cannot step off of it for ten seconds. If you do, you're out." He grinned.

Lucy hopped down into the arena without a word to any of you, but you knew she could do it. "Once the game begins, you have to defeat all of the other people to win!"

Juvia from team-b jumped in a well, which was probably a mistake of Lucy was going in, but you're all up for surprises.

Yukino, from Sabertooth jumped in, waved to you and Lucy, and got ready to fight.

After all the players got on their platforms, the ten second countdown began. "Common Lucy... You two Juvia...!" You whispered, biting your nails.

The clock hit zero and everybody went all out. "Open gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!"
"Water Slicer!"
"Open gate of the two fish! Picese!"
"Trap Claw!"
"Ice Make: Birds!"
"Valalarc Couza!"
"Igneous Purpious!"
"Earth Rumble!" They all shouted at the same time.

"Woah!" You gasp in excitement as players are knocked out almost immediately, some running towards the cornucopia. And the biggest surprises if the entire match, Lucy saved up all her energy to deliver her best card: "Urano Mentria!" ((See, I got it right this time)), defeating everyone left in a single blow.

The silence was awkwardly awkward as you all stared at Lucy, standing on her platform.

"A-and that concludes out first team battle with Fairy Tail team-a leading with fifteen points!" P.M. gaps at the arena.

"WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO THATS HOW WE DO IT, HOLLA AT A PLAYA LETS GO!" You cheered, and everyone else followed.


"Next fight... Blah between Sabertooth and Fairy tail blah blah blah, no responsibility blah."

You hopped in the rings and popped your neck. "Alright Sting let's do this!" You grinned evilly up at him, and once he was about to get in the Aden with you, a cloaked figure beat him to it.

"Oi! I'm not sure if you were there last night, but I'm fighting Sting, so get back up there please." You said to the obvious girl.

"Oh no..." She took off her cloaked and you, the ready of your guild, and the arena gasped. "I think I'll stay."

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