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You were blindfolded and taken God knows where. "Sting, where the hell are you taking me i don't like this..." You whined.

He chuckled. "It's just a bit further come on." You felt like you've been walking forever and your feet really hurt. "Sting I'm pregnant it it's not good for my feet to be walking all the time!"

"Okay okay!" He stopped you. "3... 2... 1..." He took away the blindfold and in front of you was two little hats. One pink, and one blue. "What are these for?" You picked them up and suddenly you felt a kick as if to tell you...

"What's going on?" You looked from your stomach to Sting. "I got you an appointment..." He said sheepishly.

"Aw!" You kissed him. "To be honest though I really miss that giant ego of yours. That's what made if fun." You winked and turned around and started walking back to the guild.

"Where're you going?!" He yelled after you. "I'm going to meet someone don't worry! I'll be fine!" You waved without looking back.


At the café, you made it just on time. "It's so sad you have to leave today!" You hugged Lily before sitting down. "I know but I didn't tell Natsu where I was and he's probably burned the guild down by now." She giggled.

Just then, two tiny heads peeked into your vision. "And these must be Lucas and Rin!" You waved down at them. Lucas looked just like Lily, brown hair and her green eye. He couldn't have been more than eight.

Rin looked more like her father. Pink hair, golden eyes and a smile that could melt your heart. Lucas looked at his mother and Lily nodded, telling him to go over and meet you.

"Hi Lucas! You can call me Auntie _______." You held your hand out and he high-gives it and it was good enough for you. Lucas walked back around the table and sat in Lily's lap, and you got to hold Rin. "She's so tiny..."

"Yeah..." Lily looked at Rin, obviously missing her Natsu. "So how are things with Sting?" She asked.

"He got me a doctors appointment to see what I'm having, but he won't know until it's born." You wink at her and giggle. "What's with the whole, Lucy's trying to kill you thing? Is she really evil?"

"Absolutely." She groaned. "She's tried on multiple occasions to take Natsu from me, kidnapped Lucas, tortured me, and God know's what she'll do next!"

"And what did Natsu say about it? Are they still friends?" You tilted your head in awe at the fact that Lucy Heartfilia was a bloodthirsty bitch.

"He doesn't know," Lily sighed. "I doubt he'd believe me if I told him anyway. The best thing I can do is keep her away from these two and ignore her." She held Lucas tight and you smiled at her.

"If you ask me, I would have kicked Lucy all the way to the other side of the country." You spoke to Lily, but looked at Rin the whole time.

"Oh! Quick question. Are Gray and Juvia together yet? Because it's killing me." You lean forward in anticipation.
Shaking her head, Lily replies. "No. Gray's my best friend and he's had a crush on me for a while. But in time hopefully. Are you going to go on with the whole, stay in the box until... You know."

You thought about it. "Maybe when it's Gray's birthday." You shrug and look at your watch. "Oh I'm sorry! I have to go!" You pout. "It was nice seeing you again." You hugged her over the table.

"You too. Come by sometime." She smiled and you handed Rin over to her and waved goodbye before walking off.

At the hospital, you were laying down on the hospital bed holding Sting's hand. Dr. Helus smiled at the two of you and got out some gel and a scanner-thingy.

"This is going to feel cold." She said to you and lifted up your shirt and spread the gel all over your stomach. A shiver went down your spine and back up. "That is cold!" You laugh.

Sting was staying quiet the whole time, just holding your hand like a statue. Dr. Helus put the scanner on the gel and all eyes moved to the monitor. It was just black and white until you saw four legs and two heads. "Two?!" You gasped.

You looked up at Sting who only shrugged and shook his head. You smiled at him and went back to the monitor. "Can you tell us the genders?" You asked the doc.

"Yeah! A girl and a boy." She wrote them down on a clipboard. "Any names for these two?" She mostly looked at Sting. You frowned and made her turn her attention to you. "No not yet, we'll talk about it."

She nodded and whipped the gel off of you and stood up. "Thank you Doc." You pulled Sting out of there so you could go home.

A/N: Do you know how freakin hard it was to try to write MissFiore 's writing style?! I'm not even sure I got it remotely correct.

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Anyway, this is all just promotion for her book, Can't Help It | Natsu X Reader

Happy: Aye sir!

Mirajane: Pick a name for the kids!

Juvia: Boy...

Lisanna: Or Girl!

Levy: I wanna say one!

Gray: But you can't~


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