Closing Curtains.

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"_________ will go against Coraline, from Twilight Org." Mavis said with a complete straight face.

"If that's what it takes to win, I'll do it." You nodded, still furious that she abandoned you. "I don't know what magic she uses though." You tap your chin.

"Shadow make. The almost opposite of you so you need to get Sting to scratch you since he also has light magic." She said to you.

You looked at your teammates. "Let's do this for Fairy Tail." You held up the hand symbol, and the guild did the same, you believed in each other and that's what drove you.

Since the entire city was the battle field, Mavis had you stationed infront of the castle this time, still not moving until only our opponents were left.

"Oh my! Fairy Tail is once again not moving!"

Refusing to open your eyes until 5 minutes have passed, you hummed a song. 'This ten percent luck,
twenty percent skill,
fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure,
fifteen precent pain,
and a hundred percent reason to remember the name.

He doesn't need his name up in lights
He just wants to be heard, whether it's the beat you the mic
And he feels so unlike everybody else; alone
Despite if the fact that some people still think that they know him but no!
He's living proof
Gonna be rockin' the booth
He get you winning faster than a shot of vodka with juice
Him and his crew are known around
One of the best
Dedicated to what they do to give a hundred percent

Forget Mike!
Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard
It's seems like he's never got time because he
Writes every note and he writes every line
And I've seen him at work
When that light goes on in his mind
It's like a design is written in his head every time
Before he even touches a key
Or speaks in a rhyme
And all the fella's he runs with
The kids that he signs,
Rediculous, without even trying
How do they do it?!

This is ten percent luck,
twenty percent skill,
fifteen percent concentrated power of will.
Five percent pleasure,
Fifteen percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name--'

Time was up before you even got to finish the song. "Good luck." You nodded to the others before running off eastward to greet you mother.


"Caroline." You said, approaching her. Blood was still dripping down your arm because Sting was in a hurry or something like that.

"_________." She smiled. "Come to accept my apology? Or did you want to fight me?" She tilted her head at you.

"Of course not. I came to secure the spot for Fairy Tail. They've given me the family I've never had, and I plan to return the favor." You sneer at her.

Her purple eyes narrow. "Very well... But I won't pull my punches." She smirked, thinking that you didn't know what her magic was.

"Shadow make army!" She shouted and scary shadows charged at you as the came up from the ground.

"Roar of the light dragon!" You reply and a beam of light shoots from your mouth, turning all the shadows to dust. You knew this wasn't going to last long, so you had another trick up her sleeve, literally.

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