Flare and Fail

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"Raven Tails' Flare Carona, and Fairy Tails' Lucy Heartfellia!"

"Too bad for you blondie." Flare said looking creepy as hell.

"I have a bad feeling about this chick." You say to no-one-in-particular. Flare's hair was braided behind her back, and she was wearing a red dress. "I swear, all the opponents with outrageous hair have this crazy look in their eyes. Kinda like that guy at the Tower of Heaven." You shook your head.

All Levy did was nod and stare into the arena. Her best friend was up against this crazy girl, and she couldn't bare it. You felt sadness pang in your chest, Lucy didn't stand a chance, she'd been asleep for seven years, and in the Celestial Spirit World for 3 months.

"Open, gate of the Golden Bull! Tarus!" Lucy makes the first move as Tarus comes out and swings at Flare.

"Whoooo! Go Lucy! Kick her butt!" You scream, cupping your hands around your mouth.

As Lucy pulls out Scorpio and attacks with him, Flare unties her hair and uses it to block the attack. You stare dumbfounded. Her hair, makes fire.

Then Tarus pulls out an awesome move using the sand, as we all cheer them on. "SHOW THAT READ HEADED FLAME-BRAIN WHO'S BOSS!" You yelled until your throat hurt. The thrill of it all was exciting. Adrenaline pumped through your blood.

As the dust cleared, you saw Flare flying through the air. Then she made a giant wolf thing out of her hair?! What the hell?! "Hair shower! Wolf fang!" She cried.

Lucy stood calmly and called her next spirit. "Open, gate of the Giant Crab!" And Cancer came out, cutting Flare's hair dog. You smirk as Flare looked like she was going to cry and throw a tantrum at the same time.

But your smile quickly faded away as Flare screamed and attacked Lucy's feet. "LUCY!" You and Levy screamed. Flare swung Lucy around like a toy, smashing her to the ground.

Flare said something that you couldn't hear, and Lucy said something back, and pulled out her whip, catching Flare off-guard. "How's that for free-flowing?" Lucy said.

Next thing you knew, both girls were flying in the air, spinning around. You could barely make it out, but you saw Flare burning Lucy's ankles.

"NO! She's burning Lucy!" You screamed as the rest of the guild saw it too after they stopped spinning. Lucy took off her boots, and Flare had a look of astonishment on her face.

Then she screamed the most blood-curdling scream you'd ever heard, and it made you cringe. Flare dramatically forced her hair into the ground, and you held your breath, looking for any sign of her hair coming up again.

Lucy looked at us, and we cheered her on. "Get her Luc!" You flailed your arms around. Then she gave a look of pure fear. You turned behind you, but no-one was there. What was she looking at?

Lucy shouts something in this direction, but Flare gags her and you can't hear what she said. The crowd went wild over Lucy's body slam, but you only gritted your teeth and looked over at Sabertooth. Both the dragon slayers and you shared the same look. What did Flare do? You mouthed to them. The shrugged and turned back to the match.

"I sense something... an old magical presence that I've never felt before." Master says.

"It's probably just gas."

"Or old age." Bisca and Alzack laugh. How can the joke when Lucy's getting a beating, and forced to not say anything.

Lucy takes a vicious beating from Flare. Whipped, thrown, dragged, and finally bound.

Flare makes the raven tail emblem with her hair and threatens to put it over Lucy's Fairy Tail emblem. "THAT BITCH!" You almost throw yourself into the arena.

"She was trying to protect Asca!" Natsu suddenly appears and burns a strand of Flare's hair. So that's where her hair was. That's why Lucy couldn't do anything.

"The jig is up Flare! You're going down!" Lisanna screamed next to you. You laughed. Flare was going to be sorry she even thought about hurting little Asca.

Lucy calls out Gemini, and they attack Flare. "Let's do the big one!" She says.

"What's the big one?" You ask Lisanna.

"No clue, but it sounds like it's gonna win us the match!" She replies. Gemini turn into Lucy but with only a towel on.
You're happy not many of the boys in the guild are gawking at her.

Lucy casts a major spell, and Flare is drained of all blood in the face. She's helpless. "Deronomentria!" The Lucy's say together, creating a flurry of lights in the arena.

But then suddenly it all stops. "What?" You look around. Her magic energy suddenly vanished. Something is fishy... Raven Tail

Flare looked in the direction of her guild. "RAVEN TAIL CHEATED!!!!!!!!" You call when then the bell rings. That hellish smile creeped back on Flares face. "I'm gonna kill her!" You scream, trying to jump over the ledge, but you're held back. All you can do is watch her cry.

Hey Minna! Thanks for reading! Vote for it if you liked it! I had to re-watch this episode to get everything correct. Anyway, I started a new story called, Captured, Tortured, Killed. Please check it out! Thanks!

Falling To Heaven (Reader x Sting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora