Blast From The Past

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"When?" Sting followed you around the house. You were fighting about when the twins would get their guild marks, and which guild it would be in. "When I feel like discussing it! Look, I've got to fly down to Crocus and watch the GMG's with the guild so I'll be back by tomorrow. In the mean time, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

You flew out of the house without another word and caught the train just in time. You plopped down next to Lisanna and sighed.

"Luna and Eric will be so excited for their first Grand Magic Games!" Lisanna clapped her hands. Your eyes snapped open and you stood up.

"Crap did I forget them?!" You frantically ran your fingers through your hair trying to think.

"__________, relax! Natsu's with them." Lucy smiles and points to the train car with the boys.

"That's even worse!" You screech and bolt through the doors between the cars and grab the twins from Natsu who was tossing them in the air. "YOU!"

"Calm down _________, he was only playing with them--" Laxus began.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW FRAGILE THEY ARE?! NOT TO MENTION IM PREGNANT AGAIN SO I CANT CALM DOWN!" You yelled in his face, causing the twins to scream and cry. You stopped steaming from the ears and tried your best to calm them down, but it was hopeless.

"Geez. Since when can't you take care of them?" A familiar voice spoke from behind you and scooped up your children, calming them down finally.

"Sting? Why're you here?" Romeo spoke up before you could get a word out. Your husband smirked and laughed. "Out guilds may be united, but that doesn't mean Sabertooth won't still try to be number one."

By this time, the girls had come over to see what the commotion was and Sabertooth somehow appeared to. "This year we'll beat you Fairy Tail!"


It's been a couple hours since the train incident and the elimination round was going to start soon. "I wanna be a part of it this year! Two years isn't such a long time right?" You rested your hand on your flexed bicep.

Erza nodded. "Team A will be myself, Natsu, Wendy, Mirajane, Lucy, and _________. Team B will be Juvia, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, and Levy."

"Alright!" You pumped your fist in the air. "Let's do this!" Just in time for the inn's to rise and the same elimination maze from two years ago appeared.

"The rules are simple, kin!" The pumpkin guy spoke. 'What are you?!' "You must reach the finish mark of the maze, and the first eight teams to finish get to move on. We aren't responsible for your death. All magic is allowed and the maze has been filled with magic to make it fair. Good luck kin'!"

You all ran up the path and you instantly knew where to go. 'I know this maze!' "Follow me!" You hopped from platform to play for leading your team to victory with the first spot secured.


About 2 and a half hours or so, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth met at a local bar to discuss who was going against who this year. "I'm gonna fight Sting!" You pointed to your husband, smirking.

"Nani?!" Everyone gasped.

"That's right! I want to fight my own husband. Let's see how much your power has grown sweetheart." You punch him in his guild mark. "The Ultimate Fairy Tail versus Sabertooth ma--"

The door burst open and a woman with dark brown hair and purple eyes stepped through. The room went silent as everyone stared at the mysterious woman. She looked around the room, and her eyes finally landed on you.

"Hello, ___________." The woman smiled at you.


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