Get Mira An Inhailer She's Gone Over The Deep End! (Reception Party)

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Still in your wedding attire, everyone went to the hotel next to the church for the reception party. On the 10th floor, in a ballroom, you had tables set up in a white, gold, and blue color scheme.

Everyone filed in, and sat down at their assigned seats. Of course Rouge and your bridesmaids say with you and Sting, and most of the Fairy Tail teams with each other. "First of all, I'd like to say, thank you for coming, and someone needs to keep an eye on Mirajane because she might die..." You laughed a little.

"And before we begin any parting, let's get to presents. Sting and I actually got presents for all of you." You smiled and the room gasped. (Bear with me, it'll take a while)

"For Cana, a bottomless beer bottle with your name engraved on it." She squealed and ran up to get it from you.

"For Levy, the Hunger Games, Divergent, and Selection series."

"For Gajeel, a new guitar."

"For Gray, a pillow with Juvia on it." You chuckled and Fairy Tail mocked him. "And if you don't take it I'll lock you in a small room with Juvia in a hot, magic forbidden room and refuse to let you out until you fuck her." You said bluntly. He blushed tremendously and took the pillow.

"For Rouge and Frocsh, costumes of each other, and a black light."

"For Juvia, Gray in a magic forbidden very hot box and won't be aloud to go out until he's... Well, you know." You smiled evilly as Gray protested but you completely ignore him.

"I swear she becomes more like Ms. Mira every day." Wendy comments.

"For Wendy, a tornado in a jar."

"For Natsu, a never-ending flame in a pouch. Please don't open it here."

"For Rufus, a new feathered hat with the Sabertooth guild mark sewn on it."

"For Lisanna, a new animal soul Sting managed to capture."

"For the shipping queen herself, a list of all your favorite ships with little pictures."

"For my dear friend Lily, a pillow with you know who on one side and Lucy on the other." You showed her the pillow and it has an 'X' on Lucy's face.

"Hey! What's with the pillow?!" Lucy protested. You and Lily shared a look saying, 'shit how are we gonna get out of this?' "Um... Don't worry about it?" Lily said and you wrapped the pillow and handed it to Lily awkwardly.

"For Master, a picture book of all the moments since I've been a part of this wonderful guild."

"For Erza, 100 strawberry cakes." You swear her eyes turned into diamonds.

"For Lucy, a star necklace with all the zodiac signs making up the star."

"For Romeo, a prank book."

When everyone got their gifts, you and Sting had the first dance, then everyone joined in. Poor Lisanna had to make sure Mira was breathing.

When you got tired, you pulled sting over to the four layered cake and smiled for the Sorcerer Weekly photographer just before slicing the cake. You and Sting linked opposite arms and ate the cake with your own forks.

It sucked so much that you didn't get to drink, but Rouge and the girls got water so you wouldn't feel left out.

Sting carried you all the way back to his dorm room where you crashed when your head hit the pillow.

A/N: Okay done! I can't write much here cuz I got to go so hoped you liked it!

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