Deja Vu

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"A house?" Sting asked just as he was putting Eric in his crib and coming over to kiss you. You put your hair up in a pony tail and pushed him onto the floor.

"Yeah. We can't raise the twins in Lucy's apartment or your room, they need room to move." You sat on his hips and and took off your shirt, kissing him when Juvia burst into the room.

"_________! Help me!" She said clamping her hand over her mouth and leaning over. Jumping up, you ran her into the bathroom and held her hair back. "Oh Juvia... It's a long ride from here..." You said gently.

Sting groaned in the other room. "What's wrong with her?" He said walking in. "Sting, she's pregnant. It's the first sign." You said.

Sting seemed shocked. You guess he didn't know the pain you went through. "W-.... What comes next?" He said to you.

"Well the morning sickness stays for the first month, then you get hormones that get your emotions on overload, then you start eating a lot, and then there's the pain and joy of seeing your child." You shrug like it's no big deal, flushing the toilet and grabbing some pain killers for Juvia.

"Juvia did you already know?" You ask her and she shook her head, her body shaking all together. "Okay, common, we gotta go tell Gray." You helped her up.

"_______ your shirt." Stung said reminding you that you only had your bra on. "I'll just pull a Cana." You shrugged, leading Juvia out the door and over to Gray's.


"GRAY! OPEN UP I KNOW YOURE IN THERE!" You banged on the door and yelled. He finally opened up. "Hey _______, Juvia.... What's up?" He said staring at your chest.

"Eyes up here pervert. Juvia threw up this morning." She said sheepishly as if it was her fault. Gray didn't seem to get it so you grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach and it clicked.

"Juvia... You're..." his eyes widened and she nodded. Gray looked at you as if he asked 'what do I do?'

"You're going to marry her while she still has this beautiful body, then you're going to hold her hair every morning when she throws up, you're going to deal with all her mood swings, and you're going to be there when she goes into labor." You said smiling.

He nodded, obviously knowing you'd kill him if he didn't, but he smiled anyway and hugged Juvia. Your work here was done and you slipped away to get back to Sting.

A/N: I may just make a spin off of this... Your kids x I dunno... Maybe Rogue and Yukino's and Nali's kids? I'll think about it

Morgan: cute!

A/N: Aaaaannnyway, do you guys like the story? I feel like it's too out of whack without the guidelines of the actual anime/manga



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