Encounters and Explinations

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"Lemme know how it goes." You say to Lissana as you stand up. "I'm going to walk around. That last fight makes me wanna strangle somebody." After Raven Tail obviously cheated, you decided to take a walk to clear your head before you punched the person next to you.

You went down the hallway again, but there weren't many people, only the ones that were getting snacks and waiting in line for the bathroom.

A familiar exceed tackled you to the ground. Honestly if you had seen him coming, it would have been way different. "Hey _______!" Lector said sitting on your stomach. "That last fight was cool!" It took all your will-power not to yell at him.

"How so?" You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking at the red cat.

"Well that girl from Raven Tail had cool powers. And she kinda did mop the floor with with that girl from your guild. She may have more keys than our Celestial wizard, but she's not as strong." He said. You hands clenched into fists and you get out from under him.

"Lector," you said in a serious, almost angry voice. "The Raven Tail guild cheated. They saved the red-head-with-extensions because they knew Lucy was about to win. She's stronger than you think. She only stopped fighting to save one of our guild members." you gave him the fear of God with your stare.

"Tch." You stand up. You loved Lector, but he couldn't get this through his big prided skull.

Sting came just around the corner, but Rouge was no-where to be seen. "Oh. It's you." You turned around and crossed your arms.

"Man ______! That girl from your guild is weak if she couldn't get that red-head with that spell." Sting laughed. You turned around, ready to knock his head off his shoulders.

"Wanna say that to my face?" You balled your hands into fists. He didn't even falter.

"She's weak. Like the rest of your guild." He stared into your eyes. And like a flash of lightning, you punched him square in the jaw, then kneed him in the groin.

He fell and groaned, which quickly turned into a growl. He glared at you and shrieked a little. You were in your most powerful Angel Soul. "Weak?" You spit on him.

"______ no!" Lector Leaped infront of you. "Stop it! You'll hurt yourself!" Was he worried about you? You landed a punch on him and kneed him and Lector was worried about you?

You stepped over Lector and picked up Sting by his jacket. "Check yourself before you reck yourself." You whispered coldly in his ear.

You come back to the balcony and sit on the bench. "Woah. You look even angrier than when you left." Levy said. Cana nodded. "What's wrong?"

"I punched Sting." you huffed.

"Eh?! Sabertooth Sting?!" Levy nearly fell over as Cana patted your shoulder.

"That's great! But why?" Cana asked.

"Because the bastard said the Lucy was weak, and the rest of us were too." you scowled. "I kneed him in the groin too."

"Eh?! But why was he even talking to you?" Levy was just completely dumbfounded.

"Because we've met before. It was the day before the Games, and I was training when he blew up my rock." Cana raised an eyebrow. "Then I got pissed and went to set him and Rouge straight." you shrug.

"But how'd you even earn the right to talk to them?" Levy gawked.

"Right? Honey, we can speak to whomever we want to. Their are no rights, but I met his exceed Lector on the way to find you guys. It was the same night I sang. Anyway, I was like: 'Dude get off my training turf.' And Sting was like: 'I ain't taking orders from a girl.' And I was like: 'you wanna fight me bro?' And we almost did, but Rouge was like: 'ugh get a room.' And I was like: 'we just might and maybe you wouldn't be so jelly.'" You took a breath, and Cana and Levy laughed.

"So then Lector had to end up saving Sting's butt, and I left." you shrug. "Now we bump into each other in the hallways."

Cana nodded. "So... do you like them?" She sounded like Happy.

"Oh heck to the no!" You waved your hands infront of your face, slightly blushing. Maybe you did.

"She totally does!" Lisanna chimed in after listening to the whole story.

"We sound like Sting and Rouge." you giggled. "Because, after I had to prove to them I was the one singing at the opening ceremony, Lector teased Sting about liking me, and so did Rouge." you said. You loved talking, but your jaw hurt.

"Oh I see..." Lisanna said. "Well maybe you should ask him yourself."


Hello Minna! Hoped you like this chapter, and I promise I will get to the Sting x Reader part. Just give me time! >~< Anyway, vote for this if you liked it, and comment #lemon if you want the Sting x Reader part to be a lemon, or #HE for a happy ending. Both are optional, but it will be tough. Later Minna!

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