The Things You Do When You're Bored

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Hi minna! It's been a while since I spoke in the beginning. Well I expect this chapter will be long, but we'll see. More singing!

No one went on a job today. You and Lucy came into the guild. She sat down with her team, and you sat with Juvia, Levy and Lisanna.

"So are we a team now?" You put your chin on the table and looked up at them.

"Sure." Lisanna smiled. "Unless Levy is still in team Sahdow Gear." All eyes shifted to Levy.

"They'll be fine without me." she waved her hand and you thought you hear a dying squirrel in the background.

"What should we call our team?" You asked bored out of your mind. "How about Team Changelings?" Juvia suggested.

"No, Levy doesn't change her form." Lisanna told Juvia. Juvia looked down, probably thinking.

"Forces of Nature?" Levy piped up. "______ has Heaven magic, Juvia has water, Lisanna can change into animals, and I can do and nature solid scripts and more."

You smiled. "Perfect! Team FON for short." You sat up and put your hand in the middle of the table. "From this day forward we are team FON." Juvia, Lisanna, and Levy put their hands onto of yours and it was official.

"Whoop woop!" Juvia giggled. You smiled for a minute before being bored again. "Nope. Bored again..." you sighed and face-planted on the table.

"Yeah..." Levy nodded. "Hey Lu! Got anything we can do? We're bored!" She called across the guild. Lucy looked over and talked to her team before shaking her head. You sighed again then stood up. "I'm gonna go drink with Cana." You walked to her table and sat down.

"Bored?" Cana asked as you drank from a bottle that Mira just handed you. "Mhm." you replied. "Hey, where's the Thunderlegion?" You looked around for them. "Out on a stupid job." Cana replied.

You looked at the bottle infront of you and got an idea. "Oi! Let's play spin the bottle!" You poured the rest of the contents on the floor and everyone nodded, since everyone was bored.

They moved the chairs and tables back and we sat on the floor. You say next to Levy and Juvia, since no one wanted to play the normal way. "Alright, how long amdo you have to hold the kiss?" Lucy said getting comfortable. You were surprised she actually wanted to play.

"Ten seconds?" Erza suggested. "Or seven." She added. You all agreed on seven and you started with the bottle. You spun it really hard and it seemed to go on forever.

The top landed on...
Sting?! "When the hell did you get in here?" You practically yelled as everyone raised a serious eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter. You have to kiss me." He wiggles his eyebrows at you. Everyone else got up out of boredom. You sighed and crawled over to Sting, kissing him for seven seconds.

You stood up and left him on the floor and headed for the stage. You haven't sung in a while and it might cure this.

You grabbed the mic and guitar without warning and began to sing.

"I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh oh!
Keep you like an oath
When nothing but death do us part
She wants to dance like uma thurman,
Burry me until I confess
She wants to dance like uma thurman
And I can't get you out of my head
The stash! The stash!
Of sober s*x
And see to eternity oh hell yes!
Pat me down to the smallest I can be
Put your, put your, put the venom in me
I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh oh!
Keep you like an oath
When nothing but death do us part
She wants to dance like uma thurman
Burry me until I confess
She wants to dance like uma thurman
And I can't get you out of my head
The blood! The blood!
The blood of a lamb
Is worth two lions but here I am
And I stepped in last nights clothes
And tomorrow's dreams
But they're not quite put they seem!
I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh oh!
Keep you like an oath
When nothing but death do us part
We'll find a way,
Till death find you a life
Take me to the line,
To the city that turns the tides
We'll find a way,
And may death find you a life
Take me to the line,
To the the city that turns the tides
She wants to dance like uma thurman
Burry me until I confess
She wants to dance like uma thurman
And I can get you out of my head
I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
O oh oh!
Keep you like an oath
When nothing but death do us part
I can move mountains
I can work a miracle, work a miracle
Oh oh!
Keep you like an oath
When nothing but death do us part

You finish with one last guitar solo and let it ring. The guild goes wild and cheers and claps for you.

Gajeel runs up behind you and grabs his own guitar. "Now let me sing!"

"No!" You all scream. You laugh and hop down and walk over to Sting who was just as surprised as when you told his you sang at the GMG's.

"________ that was amazing!" He picked you up and spun you around. After he set you down, you said, "I was bored, the guild was bored, I thought of a solution." You shrug.

Levy, Lisanna, and Juvia push Sting out of the way and huh you. "That was so cool!" "Where did you learn these songs?" "Juvia thought that was super awesome!"

You hugged them back and smiled. Even out of all the attention, you were slowly becoming bored again. This time you wouldn't be bored.

You lit up your finger and flicked a light ball at Natsu and Gray. They turned to each other. "What was that for Ice prick?!" Natsu yelled. "Me? It was you Flame brain!" They tacked each other and caused a guild fight.

Erza was about to stop them but you tacked her and tried to get her to fight. "Common Erza! You know you want to~" you said getting in your Angel Soul.

Erza obliged. "Just remember that you asked for this." She got into one of her armors that looked like Mira's Satan soul and attacked. You smiled and jumped over her, your hair hitting someone in the face.

You flew past Mira and she smiled at you and ducked from a flying chair. You saw Sting getting ready to fight Natsu and you slapped him. "Stop running! You wanted the fight!" Erza yelled behind you.

Crap you forgot she was your opponent. You turned around and attacked. "Halo!" You shouted and had your arms outstretched to Erza. A halo appeared above her then wrapped around her like a belt, keeping her arms at her sides.

You raced towards her and got a few good kicks in before she got into another armor and broke the halo.

She grabbed your leg and threw you into Elfman whom thankful caught you by accident. "Thanks Elfman!" You rocketed out of his arms and punched Erza in the stomach.

She countered by kicking and punching you back and this time you flew into Natsu's back and Gray ended up freezing you.

Natsu laughed and so did Gray until Erza came and told them to unfreeze you. The cowered a bit, and when you thawed, you kicked them both in the face and returned to Erza.

Every once and a while you or Erza would fly into someone, and then you realized you weren't bored anymore.

A/N: Yay!

Sting: How come I didn't get to fight?

Lisanna: Because you would have destroyed half the guild.

Juvia: and ______-chan wouldn't have forgave you.

You: *nod*

Natsu: Haha! I can't believe we actually had a guild fight without Erza or gramps stopping it!

Erza: I have to admit, it was fun to fight against ________

Happy: I was eating a fish!

Levy: Hey A/N, what's the next chapter?

A/N: No idea! *nervous laughing*

Gajeel: *pouting in a corner*

A/N: Minna please please please please vote for my chapters! It would make me very happy! Bye for now!

Happy: Aye!

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