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Author: So I tried re-reading these books or whatever and they're really sad and cringey so I'm doing this thing where I re-write the first chapter of every book I've published. Check them out

(Y/N) quietly pushes her way past the crowd of people filling up the plaza, following a head of wavy silver hair. Mirajane Strauss, a woman (Y/N) had only seen in Sorcerer Weekly magazines had now given her a chance to meet the legend.

She quietly breathes "Excuse me," And "Sorry." To the people she runs into by accident. She's confident in her social skills and never had a problem with talking to anyone, but in this case she's in a hurry; rushing time made people nervous.

"Miss Mirajane!" (Y/N) calls, finally reaching an opening in the crowd's stomach to catch up to the wizard and her guild mates. Mirajane turns to face (Y/N), causing her to stop abruptly so as not to crush her idol.

"Oh, hello." Mirajane muses in a voice not unlike her but somehow different than what (Y/N) expected. Mirajane is a few inches taller than (Y/N), but she feels small and overpowered by Mirajane.

"Hi!" (Y/N) smiles out of breath. "I was wondering if I could get an autograph? You're my idol." She holds out the pen and pad she's been clutching on to for Mirajane to use.

"Come on, Mira. We're going to be late." A tall man with blond spiky hair sighs from behind Mirajane. (Y/N) presumes him to be the mighty Laxus.

She's correct.

"Just a second." Mirajane counters and finishes writing her signature before handing the items back to (Y/N) with a wide smile. "Here you go!"

"Thank you so much!" (Y/N) grins back and holds onto her things for dear life. "Good luck! I have a feeling Fairy Tail will win this year!" (Y/N) waves them goodbye before running off in the opposite direction the others are moving in.

(Y/N) runs back to a gift shop not far from the plaza and calls for her friend. "(T/N)! I got her autograph! I told you I would get it!" Chuckling she waves the pad right in her friends face.

"What? No way." They swipe the pad from her fingers to examine the quality when they frown. "They want you to hang with them?! No fair! You always get the cool stuff." Stomping their foot and pouting, they shove the pad back into her hands.

"What are you talking about?"

"Come hang with Fairy Tail tonight!
Mirajane S."

(Y/N)'s eyes widen with excitement. The Mirajane Strauss invited her to hang with Fairy Tail!

This is a dream come true!

"Oh my god! What am I going to wear?!" (Y/N) rushes out of the gift shop without a word or a goodbye to her friend.

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