Happy Birthday

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It's been 11 1/2 months since Luna and Eric were born, and now it was someone else's turn. You heard Juvia yelling in the other room and telling Gray that she hates him.

"Different reactions I guess." You smiled at your guild mates and bounced the over-energetic Luna.

Mirajane was crying tears of joy in the corner. "I can't believe all of my dreams are coming true!" She pointed to Natsu and Lucy. "You need to have kids! And if you don't I'll kill you!"

"Mira, let's just focus on the baby being born now yeah?" You sweat dropped. No one had noticed Morgan had planted herself infront of the door until she softly spoke, "Juvia..."

"Morgan, she's going to be fine. I mean dying during child birth only affects 1 in 20 people." You smiled at her, but then you remembered you were that one.

"Uh... I think what __________ means is that nothing will go wrong." Levy filled in. You nodded and then something lit up in Natsu's head.

"How do you make a baby anyway?" Natsu asked. You swear to god that all of you cringed. Morgan seemed particularly interested in this topic as well so she sat next to him and waited.

"Well, Natsu when two people love each other very much-" Mira began

"No Mira, that's the fake version." You cut her off. Now everybody was interested in your version of sex-ed.

"When two people ((man + woman, woman + woman, man + man but in this case it's man and woman)) feel a special attraction towards one another-- not to be confused with regular love-- they stripp off most or all of their clothes and the man enters into the woman. I'm not going into detail, but about 80% of the time, a baby will be born." You said.

"Um... ___________?"


"Thanks." Natsu smiled. You sighed in relief.

Before anybody could say anything else, the door opened and Gray stepped out with a little baby boy. "Ladies and Gentlemen... Meet our son Storm." He smiled at the bundle he held and you all lept up from your seats to greet him.

"Hey Storm!"

"Welcome to the world buddy."

"Meet your family!"


You held up Luna and Eric so they could see him and all three instantly became friends. "We brought cake!" Lisanna said holding it up."

"But babies can't eat cake." You laughed. "Though it would be nice for Juvia." You tapped your chin.

"No silly it's for you! Happy birthday ________!" Everybody cheered.

"How do I keep forgetting my birthday?!" You melt and hug everybody. '20.... Wow I'm so old.' You think to yourself as the last twenty years of your life fly by.

"Let's get a picture!" Mira said holding up a camera. You sat down in a chair and held Storm while Levy and Lisanna held Luna and Eric. Mira snapped the picture and printed it. This was by far the best birthday you've ever had.


"Hey." You knocked on the edge of the door, waking up Juvia. "Oh hello ________." She weakly smiled at you. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." You laughed and hugged her awkwardly in her bed then sat down beside her. "How'd it feel?"

"Wonderful. Painfully wonderful." She sighed. "The doctors said you're all ready to go home today, so I came to see if you wanted to come to the party."

"Yeah. Let's go."

A/N: So, as many of you have figured out, I deleted all of the Tartours arc chapters and re-did this one. It's easier when writing freeform

Levy: Ah. Makes sense. I like this chapter way better than the old one.

Gray: Didn't a manga chapter Coke out two days ago?

A/N: Zeref and Natsu's bandage and Lucy and Layla and WHO THE FUCK IS ANNA?!

Lucy: Wait my mom?! What happens?!

Natsu: What's this about my bandage?

Zeref: A/N! Don't tell them

A/N: Then why don't you tell me who Anna is!

Master: Zeref!

Zeref: Gotta blast!!

Jimmy Neutron: That's my line!

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