Babies and...

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It's been a month and a half since your pregnancy scare. You were sitting in Rouges room talking with him and playing with Frosch.

"You can't be forever alone! What about Kagura? I'm sure I could get Erza to bring her to you~" you said. Rouge like your brother in law now, but you've always been friends.

"Onii-chan...." He groans. You laugh. "Frosch does Rouge need a girlfriend?" You looked down at the cute exceed. "I think so too!" He raises his little paw in the air. You and Rouge chuckled a bit before you started to get hungry.

"Do you have any food in here?" You asked looking around. Rouge shook his head. "No. I don't eat in here." You sighed and got up. "Sting has some food in his room I'll be right back." You got up and walked next door into Stings room to get some food. But before you could get to the fridge, water started running down your leg and the sharp pain from a month ago came back. Oh shit!

"RooOOOGUE!" You yell having to lean on a table. Rouge came in and was horrified, probably because he didn't know what to do. "Go get Sting. Now!" You groaned. And so he did, running out the door and downstairs to go alert Sting that you're going into labor.


At the hospital, Fairy Tail and Rouge were in the waiting room as Sting was right beside you and you were squeezing his hand and wailing in pain.
"Just a few more contractions and then we'll need you to push __________." Another doctor was there, Doctor Slyder. You didn't feel comfortable with another man at the other end, but then again you didn't really feel comfortable anyway.

Natsu burst into the room (out of boredom you presume.) "WHATS GOING ON WHY IS IT SO LOUD?!"

Silence was justified in the room as everyone stared at him. Then you started yelling again. "GET OUT IM IN LABOR YOU IDIOT DONT MAKE ME GO OVER THERE AND KILL YOU BECAUSE I WILL DO IT!" You were accidentally crushing Sting's fingers.

Erza had to drag Natsu out of the room, and you kept screaming and cursing at everybody. Sting looked at the doctor with a concerned look and they only smiled. "Everyone reacts differently to child birth. Your wife just happens to be the cursing type." Doctor Slyder said.

"Okay ________, get ready to push." He continued getting in position. "1... 2... 3..."

You say up a little, pushing with all your might. "NNGH!!"

Outside The Room...

Everyone heard constant yelling and screaming coming from the inside of the room and they shifted uncomfortably. "I hope she's okay..." Lisanna looked down really concerned, clutching a stuffed tiger and fairy in her hands.

"I'm sure _________ is fine. She's really strong." Juvia smiled, with worry written all over her face.

Natsu was pouting because he got scolded by you, Lucy, and Erza after he had busted in the room. "You're luck you didn't see anything or she'd kill you." Lucy said to Natsu and he merely mumbled something.

Lector was the most worried. "I hope _______-kun is okay. And Sting-kun..." He kept pacing back and fourth.

Back with you...

"Come on ________ one more!" Dr. Slyder says getting ready to catch the first child. "Oh my gOSH!" You scream pushing out the first child. Sting turns his attention away from you for a second and looked at his daughter. "It's a girl!" He said to you with a smile on his face.

You had sweat all over you and you were breathing hard. You had a good 45 seconds before your son was coming. "Really? Can I name her?" You looked at Sting with a soft smile and he nodded without hesitation.

Your smile soon turned into a cringe as you had to keep going. "Alright ________ I think we can do this in two. You ready?" The doc says stupidly. "Just shut up and get this baby out of meeeeee!!" You scream in agony.


The worst was over and the babies were perfectly healthy. Sting held your son and you held your daughter. "How about Luna Iris?" You looked up at Sting. The sweat was still there and you were really tired.

"And Eric... Uh..." Sting was stumped and it looked adorable. "Eric Damian." You finished for him. The doctor wrote it down. He then went to the door and opened it, allowing everyone inside. "_________!" They all said together as some tried to hug you.

"Everyone, meet Luna and Eric. Our twins!" You smiled as the babies both cooed at their names. You gave Luna to Lisanna and everyone crowded around them. You were really tired so you just closed your eyes for a second...

But the last thing you heard was a long beep and the screaming of your name.

A/N: Remember a while ago when I said I'd end the story with you and Sting having twins? Yeah the next chapter might be the last.

Lucy: NO



Morgan: I didn't have enough screen time!!!

A/N: you can blame Hiro Mashima... FINE! I won't end it here just because I love this story too much. But you did just die for like 5 minutes.


A/N: Yes. You were only dead for 5 minutes no big deal

Carla: That's a really big deal

Happy: Aye

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