Ceremonies and Games

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"You'll be going last kin'." The pumpkin mascot said to you. You were very tempted to pull that mask right off his head, but he started walking off.

Going last wasn't that bad. It gave you time to practice your song. You were going to make them remember you. You were gonna make them remember the year Fairy Tail won.

You watched as the other musicians sang or tuned up their instruments and you couldn't help but smile. They might have been good, but you knew better.

Time passed as more and more people went on to perform. When it was finally your turn, you waited for them to announce you. "Please welcome, Fairy Tail's contestant!" The mascot said through the microphone.

You scowled, not because of the boo's coming from the crowd, but because that freaking pumpkin didn't say your name. You wiped it off your face, and jogged out into the stadium clutching your guitar like your life depended on it.

You spoke into your microphone, "HELLO! ARE YOU READY FOR THE GAMES?!" You looked around as the crowd cheered. You chuckled and began to play your electric guitar.

"I think I did it again.
I made you believe,
We're more than just friends.
Oh baby,
It. might. Seem like a crush,
But it doesn't mean
That I'm serious.
'Cause to lose all my senses,
That is just so typically me.
Oh baby, baby,
Oops! I did it again!
I played with your heart,
Got lost in the game,
Ooh baby, baby,
Oops! You think I'm in love...
That I'm sent from above!...
I'm not. That. Innocent." You changed into your Angel Soul, and started to fly, gettinv ooh's and ah's from your guild and the crowd.

"You see my problem is this,
I'm dreaming away,
Wishing that hero's they truly exist
I try, watching the days
Don't you see I'm a fool,
In so many ways?
'Cause to loose all my senses,
That is just so typically me,
Oh baby, oh!
Oops! I, Did it again,
I played with your heart,
Got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby,
Oops! You, think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above...
I'm not. that. innocent."

You finished with your hair ruffled and you gave a seductive look that played on the lacrima's. That was going to get them to remember you. The crowd cheered and whistled, and almost chanted, but they didn't know your name.

You flew up to meet your guild in the booth, changing back to your everyday form, as everyone congratulated you. "______, that was totally awesome!" Wendy said as her eyes sparkled.

"Out of this world!" Lucy hugged you and shook you at the same time. You felt love and it was magnificent.

"Wasn't that great folks?" The mascot said. All you could do was wonder who or what was inside that mask, if there was anything at all.

"Yes it was marvelous!" A woman with long blonde hair and a long pink dress squealed. You didn't know her, but you think you've seen her before.

"Thanks, but who are you?" You asked accepting the compliment. Master Macorov nearly sweat dropped.

"This is the first master of Fairy Tail, Mavis. And she is currently dead." he said in a surprisingly calm tone.

"So you're like a ghost? Wouldn't people find that suspicions?" You said looking around her.

"Only the people who bear the Fairy Tail emblem can see me!" Mavis replied cheerfully. You liked the First Master, she was full of energy.

"Coolio." you nodded respectfully. You turned to Lisanna and Levy. "I'm going to go get some snackage. You want anything?"

"Um... chips?" Lisanna didn't seem sure, but also didn't want to turn down your offer. You nodded.

"Surprise me!" Levy said, looking at out B-Team, obviously focused on Gajeel.

"Ooh! Levy's got goo-goo eyes for Gajeel!" You teased her. She playfully smacked you and blushed. You and Lisanna laughed at her little crush, and then you went to get the snacks.

You walked through the hallways inside the stadium, squeezing through people and avoiding eye contact. When you neared the concession stand, you saw Rouge and Sting there with Lector and Frocsh.

"Well isn't it Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee." You stood beside them, crossing your arms as you waited for the line to inch forward.

"Oh. It's you." Sting looked you up and down.

"Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine." you gave a fake smile in a sarcastic tone.

"Do you know the girl who sang from Fairy Tail?" Rouge said ignoring the insults between you and Sting.

"Uh, ya. It was me." You said thinking to yourself: used the same magic as when I met you. Take a hint dumbass.

"Nah. That girl was pretty." Rouge waved you off and Sting nodded.

"Fro thinks so too!" Little Frocsh raised his paw.

"Oh really? You don't believe I can sing? I was that girl. I sang that song." You poked Sting in the chest, getting all up in his face.

"Prove it." Sting said almost spitting in your face.

You were happy to. "You seem my problem is this,
Im dreaming away,
Wishing that hero's they truly exist
I try watching the days
Don't you see you're a fool,
In so many ways?" You changed the words at the end of the phrase. Their jaws dropped and you gave them an innocent look. "I'm not. that. innocent." you sang again.

When the counter cleared, you stepped infront of the boys and ordered your snacks.

Carrying the snacks under your arms, you winked at the twin dragon slayers and sashayed off back to your friends. In the distance you hear Lector say, "You like her don't you Sting?"

"Shut up Lector."

"You totally do."

"Not you too Rouge!"

Back at the arena, you came just in time for the battle between all the guilds began. You handed Lisanna her chips, and gave Levy some jerkey, which she happily took. "What're the rules?" You popped a piece of candy in your mouth.

A city stood in the arena. It was cool and all, but a little predictable. "It's called Hidden. The guild members have to hide and seek. They have to attack the opponent and gain point, and vise versa."

"Let's play hidden!" The game begins and Juvia hugs a fake Gray. You facepalm.

"Juviaaaaaaa." You sigh. Then Gray finds that creep from Raven Tail and attacks him. But when Gray loses a point, you lose it. "What the hell?! He totally got him!" You scream leaning against the wall.

"Tch. I'm not sure that was fair." Romeo frowns. The whole game goes downhill, and what's worse is that pretty-boy from Sabertooth got everybody with one shot. It was ridiculous. In the end, both Fairy Tail teams lose. "That was absolute bullshit!" You scream. Something wasn't right about Raven Tail.

Sting and Rouge spot you, and smirk. You wish you could be in the games to watch it disappear. Gray seems like he wanted to kill someone as he walked off the arena, and you felt bad for him.

"You gotta put up with the rain if you want the rainbow." Lisanna said sadly. She was right. We were gonna pull through this. We were gonna win.

Falling To Heaven (Reader x Sting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora