The Son, and the Bully

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Early into the next morning, you two made sure to tell Impact he would be staying for the day. Which thankfully enough, he was more than happy to hear from the both of you. Once told, you soon all enjoyed a simple breakfast together at the dinner table before you two made it to school. Walking along the sidewalk, you two were already planning on what you'd say once you got there. Well it was more as if you were calmly thinking of the mature way in dealing with this while Mettaton may have been planning a murder... 'Nah.' Soon in sight of the school, you noticed several students and staff alike you recognized from previous visits which were Frisk, the monster ambassador, the caretaker and mother of Frisk, Toriel who also was head principle of the school, and even monster kid, friend of Frisk. Seeing them at that moment, you watched as they were playing in the school's playground as you passed by. Soon reaching the building, you gave a kind smile as you watched several humans, kids included, run over to greet Mettaton. Many had drawings of the star they were eager for him to see, while several adults were fawning over the fact a celebrity was at the school. Mettaton, who had just mere moments ago looked tense and upset, now lightened up and kindly looked over each and every drawing he could, signing some while thanking all of them for their hard work. Soon enough though, the crowd disappeared as students were recalled back to class or lunch, while staff and the few parents there turned and left, but not before a few took a pic with the star also.

Walking together into the main office, you were both greeted by a star struck desk lady who eagerly had Mettaton sign yet another photograph before flaunting it while fangirling. You simply looked towards Metta, who shrugged before you two just went inside in the main office of the principal themself. It is tense, for a time, as you brought up your concerns but they didn't believe it. As it turned out, Impact hadn't said a thing about it. Knowing Impact, he wasn't one to get people in trouble, instead believing anyone was good and could be convinced to be a friend. Likely, he got such an idea from either Frisk, either their auntie Undyne or Alphys, or Papyrus. Eitherway, while a kind belief, it was also dangerous and now seemed to be the case. After a back and forth that seemed to go on forever, the principal and you soon agreed on attending a day where you two, and Impact, would meet with the apparent bully and their parents. Once agreed, you two soon left though with Metta still upset and you saddened at bringing Impact to school. Granted, you knew he was capable, but he was never one to 'fight', he just had too much of a big heart.

It hurt to know that one of his greatest and most noble traits, his kindness, would also serve as a tool against him. Not little that put you down however, you knew it was time to step in. No one would hurt your child and expect to get away with it. No one.

(Following Day(s)

Soon enough, you, Metta, and Impact were all together just outside of school where you also were with a student and their parents. Clear as day, that parent was a karen if you ever saw one. 'The bane of the world's existence,' you merely thought to yourself, as you glared slightly at the one apparently being the one who was hurting Impact. The kid in question was a fairly tall, plump sort. Clearly a child who had been pampered to the point where he thought he was a prince, and his mother spoiled him rotten. This was gonna be a challenge.

After waiting for the principal who had to attend a meeting, soon you were inside and waited for a few more minutes before being called in. Visibly, you all were tense with impact sitting between the both of you while Karen and plump brat sat some distance away to your side. Across the principle sat and you could tell they felt the tension in the room which was slowly building up as time passed by. Taking a slow breath, the principle began: "So? Miss (Karen), do you know why you were called down here?" Karen simply rolled her eyes before sternly looking at the principal; "Apparently my son is in trouble for annoying some kid? If that even happened to begin with." The principal already looked so done and did NOT wanna be there at all, but pressing forward they continued. "Well that's the thing Miss (Karen), your son has been terrorizing another students, their also reports from a few others of his behavior. As you know, in this school especially, this sort of thing is NOT allowed." Karen yawned, looking bored already before she spoke. "I don't see why, then? They came here to our world? What did they expect? Sunshine and rainbows? Tch." The principle tensed up greatly, but biting their tongue they continued. "They 'expect' to be treated like friends, heck family even! They are great folks, let me tell you." Karen scoffed, her child snickering. "Sure they are. Bunch of weirdos who use 'magic,' and isn't their King a murderer or somethin? I'd say jail should be for him, it was ridiculous he was pardoned." You, Mettaton and Impact felt anger bubbling inside at that. You all respected and still cared for Asgore. It was a horrible time, and the King was still suffering from it. Honestly, you felt ready to deliver a punch at the (Curse Word).

She continued.

"Besides? How do we know that freak didn't try doing the same thing like their King? Probably thinking of hurting other innocen-" Without another word, a hand slammed hard upon the desk. The room fell instantly into silence, everyone's gaze being wide eyed as they all stared in stunned silence towards the principal. They looked furious now, trying hard to maintain their composure but it was clear they had reached their limit. "I. Will. Not. Torrelate. This. Hate. Here in this office, miss (Karen)." They seethed out. "Especially in regards to their King and Monsterkind. If you'd spend less time with your phony friends and crapping on other people's lives, actually getting to know them, you'd honestly be liked better around here." Now you didn't know what shocked you the most.

Karen visibly looked stunned, before her face morphed into one of anger. "Oh really? So you take the freaks' side over my son!? What is this!?! Some sort-" "ENOUGH!!!" The principal looked too mad to handle anymore, and with a simple wave of the hand, he finished the meeting. "Just leave, I can't put up with you. And your SON will be going to detention tomorrow!" Fuming, Karen turned and stormed out, followed by her spoiled brat. Meanwhile, Impact looked visibly frightened and this led to you two embracing and comforting him. Seeing this, the principle called themselves before coughing nervously into their hand. "Sorry you all had to see that... (Karen) is frankly... a nightmare to deal with." "That's certainly putting it lightly" Mettaton spoke, holding Impact close. "Yeah;" the principal continued; "Worst thing is she has some 'friends' that keep her in power on the school board. But then again... so do I. She's tried and failed to have Monsters removed before, now it seems she has passed on her biased and honestly racist view points to her son. Worst thing is the kid was once a good one too, was even friends with Frisk for a time." The principal shook their head before smiling at Impact. "As for you, Impact, after dealing with Karen as her spoiled child, I've decided to give you some time off. A week at most, as you had to put up with that, but also as a reward for a solid effort in school. You've done well in class, and we're all proud of you." Impact visibly blushed and turned away, burying his face in Mettaton's chest piece, but you two saw that small smile on his face. "And for you two? I'd say that you raised a wonderful child, you two should be proud." Grinning yo yourselves you both hugged Impact for a moment before pulling away. "We know." With a final laugh and handshake, you three soon left with Impact in high spirits, he visibly skipping along as you three walked back home.

The following Morning, and Impact's mood had done a 180. He was happy once more, and was loving his short time off from school. Outside, he was messing around in your backyard, while inside he would join his 'papa' where he'd practice dancing and singing. Honestly it was adorable watching the duo as they danced to a beat. Later, you three soon learned that Karen had apparently been trying to build support to 'deal with monsters' at the school, though it seems she had gotten nowhere as everyone seemed done with her shtick. Not that any of you cared, you were just glad that the problem was over with-

Or so you three though-

(To be Continued)

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