When 'Waterfall's'

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(For 11Link, I do hope it helps make you feel better!)

Story meant for a hurt, but still beating soul~

Wandering alone within the lands of waterfall, thoughts from before only continue to take a certain stage in your mind. With your heart beat never slowing, it in fact, seemed to only speed up. Breathing was all that could be heard, harsh, labored breathing as you staggered yet continued in the direction you had in your mind. Ahead of you, you made your way deeper and deeper underground. Deeper and deeper towards the wasteland where all trash from the surface came to. Where a near bottomless, seemingly endless pit awaited you. So badly you thought about it, about one faithful jump. You wondered if it would feel like you were flying almost? The wind, rushing past your body, as you slowly disappeared from sight into the dark abyss. It would be like magic. Not like the magic of monsters, but those of actors on stage. One moment there, in full view, and the next? Just gone. Except now, it would be for real. Now it would be you. Now it would be you, gone for good. Maybe that's what your life needs. What purpose it actually served. To just go away, and eventually be forgotten and live in whatever came after alone. All. completely. Alone.

Would you be free?

Would you feel safe?

Would it be right?

You had, of course, imagined it before. Imagined life way before this, before death. You felt it was hopeless, so why even bother? Just throw it away! 'Throw it away!' a voice spoke eagerly in your mind. 'C'mon! One step and no more! You would truly be freed!' it spoke, eager for you to comply and get on with it. That had made you realize something; as you had been walking, you eventually had arrived at your chosen destination. One overlooking the endless, bottomless, pit going forever below. No light would ever pierce the endless darkness. The silence. The pit of torment. Who knows where the bottom actually was? If there was any. Who knows what it would truly feel like.

With that thought at the front of your mind, you soon thought of a song. A song you had listened to often in your free time. One you had enjoyed for deep, personal reasons and that you felt attached to in some odd way. It was impossible to explain, but maybe singing it at least one last time would be nice? A final show?

With that, you pulled out your phone. The screen soon turned on, showcasing many messages from your friends and family alike, asking where you had gone. You choose not to respond. Instead, after a tap and swipe here and there, and soon you had earbuds in place and the song began.

(Whatever song it is, is your choice, however Billie Ellish was chosen, so that will be played)

[Verse 1]

Take me to the rooftop

I wanna see the world when I stop breathing


Tell me love is endless, don't be so pretentious

Leave me like you do (Like you do)

Beginning to sway to the music, you allowed yourself to briefly let go. Briefly, you let go of your worries and allow yourself to move along to the song which played. Your mind on nothing else as you went along with the music in your ears.

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