A Great Life

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A Adoption, to Marriage

It had all started innocently enough with the simple question, coming from none other than Impact, who had approached you and your hubby as you two sat back and watched the television on the couch. It caught you two off guard, but you both took the time to think it over. These questions went as such; "(Mom/Papa)? Dad? Can we get a puppy?" And thus kick started your current journey after much back and forth. Now, here you two and Impact were together at the local shelter. As you chatted away with the receptionist about what you needed, Impact and Mettaton were busy searching throughout the different kennels for the right one. Impact was left overwhelmed, his eyes containing a sparkle in them as he looked through each and everyone. So many dogs, small and large, chubby and fluffy, and many colors in between. From a pug and weiner dog, to a fluffy poodle and one which looked oddly familiar, like one from the underground... But finally, Impact stopped when a set of stars appeared in place of his pupils as he laid eyes on an adorable husky (or whichever you prefer) as it snuggled alone in its bed, a chew toy beside it. The husky stopped upon noticing Impact, before standing up and giving a quick shake of its fur as if drying itself off, and approached the simple gate separating the two. Getting close, the small ball of fluff looked up at Impact before cutely barking. Impact stared on before turning towards his dad and gave a cheerful; "THIS ONE!!!"

Moments later and a couple papers signed, you three were out walking with the small pouch following close behind. Finally getting home, Impact carried what he named 'Doggoblook' inside the house and went straight to the tour, leaving you two outside and laughing, more than happy to see how happy your son was. Stepping inside, you watched the two run around as Impact laughed like crazy, being chased by the small bundle of joy that was doggoblook around the house who pursued your kid with a vengeance clear in his blue eyes. Later, and you two were left squealing internally at the sight of your son and doggo together on your couch, the two watching his favorite kids show as Impact held him close in one hand and lap, the other holding his favorite plush; which was one of your husband... Mettaton, unfortunately, forced you to drag him away as he wouldn't stop snapping pictures as you struggled to pull the massive bot away and towards your bedroom.

Later and soon Impact and his new friend were fast asleep while you and Metta were already planning ahead on helping Impact, teaching him the ropes of raising a pet, and learning the responsibilities it required.


Some years later, and you two watched as Impact got ready to leave for high-school. Watching silently from your place in the kitchen, you watched as Mettaton fussed over Impact as your son struggled to resist Mettaton attempting to make him appear; "As Glamorous" as ever. "Dad! I'm just going to high-school-" "Exactly! And I want you to look your best, who knows who you will be meeting! You wanna impress your teachers and all, don't you~?" Impact rolled his eyes while Mettaton finished styling his hair. Finally, you both heard the bus pull up and with a wave followed by the swift theft of some toast you had left out, your son was out the door and went directly for the bus. Watching from the porch, Mettaton was as dramatic as always, when a tear fell down his face and he brought out a handkerchief to wipe a tear away. "They grow up so fast..." "he's just gonna be two blocks away..." "But still!" You choose to ignore him and go back to finishing up breakfast, letting time go by.

Eventually, at just past 12:20 PM, you heard a knock followed by your husband rushing to the front door, swinging it open and nearly causing the hinges to give way as he embraced your son. "You're back!!!" Impact looked underwhelmed, embracing his father back. "I know, I've been gone for half the day? Not that long-" He couldn't finish as Mettaton dragged him inside, which led to Doggo running up and greeting his master with a tackle and several licks. Watching quietly as your small family messed around, you couldn't help but feel at peace and thinking you had done well and how lucky you had gotten.


"I'm going out now (Mom/Papa)!" You watched as Impact finished getting ready for prom, his suit and tie he finished straightening out as he prepared to leave for the evening. "Alright, but remember what we told you. And make sure to have your phone on and don't be afraid to call." "Sure thing!" Watching him pause for just a moment, you watched as outside a red convertible pulled up with Papyrus at the wheel, and Frisk sitting in the back seat and waving. Running out, Impact called to his best friend as the duo got in the back seat and began chatting as Papyrus waved before driving off into the night. Watching silently, you let out a worried sigh but trusted that both would be just fine.


"(Mom/Papa), Dad? I want you to meet (GF's Name)!" He presented a sweet girl, one he had met during classes early on in his high-school years. Sitting across from you two at the dining room table, you and Mettaton gave off a calm aura as you listened to Impact talk about his new found love, much to her own personal embarrassment. A moment later however, and after Impact stepped away to get cleaned, so began the interrogation. You and Metta, knowing of your two rather famous reputations, knew that Impact would be an obvious 'target' for those looking to get famous. And so, much to the poor girl's dismay, she was grilled hard, mostly by you.

Mettaton did take it a step too far, when he went on to say; "And if you dare break my sweet darling's heart... especially on purpose...-" He seemed to bring out his chainsaw out of nowhere, as the poor girl went pale. "Well... you can already imagine. And there is plenty of room in our backyard-" You gave one hard slap on the back of his head, causing him to grunt. "What was that for!?" "We're supposed to be setting ground rules! Not threatening to commit murder!!" "But it was just a threat-" Exactly!!" Thankfully Impact reappeared, preventing anything from getting out of hand.


Sometime had passed, and already Impact was off to college, leaving you two at home alone. Together now with the house to yourselves, it was both surreal and upsetting. You two had spent so long with someone else, whether Impact or even Doggo. But now it was back to you two. Even still, you both kept your heads up high and decided to focus on the positives. Her future seemed bright, and while Impact wasn't around for now, Napstablook, Shyren, Mad Dummy and the rest of your 'extended-family' of Frisk were close by to provide some comfort. Such as right now, with you two celebrating your anniversary since your marriage some years back, to the day following the barrier's destruction and later, your first ever meeting. With a clink of glasses at the dining table, everyone gave a cheer and a round of applause, followed by several rounds of congratulations. This left you two, sitting side by side, to share a kiss.

(The End)

Just a short, feel good, sort of timeline of events with Impact once again present alongside you and Mettaton being together in marriage. I hope you enjoyed it, and that it was worth something despite not being my finest and quite short work, but regardless. If you want, you may vote below, or comment if you want.
Thank you.

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