Scenario: How he comforts you

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When you need him.

If you needed him, Mettaton was there. He couldn't always, as his work could often get in the way and even if you told him yourself he could continue to work, he often ignored this and simply wanted to help you himself. If you were looking down, he would embrace you and give you a kiss, give you a compliment, or take over whatever work you might be doing then and simply tell you to take it easy and relax. If you ever started crying, he often had a box of tissues at his disposal and was quick to comfort you. He would take you away to a more private location, and sit you either on his lap or beside himself before he offered you tissues and asked what was wrong. If you needed a shoulder to cry on, he could be there if you needed him.

If he couldn't be there in person, then through phone calls or letters he would offer kind words. He would also send cute messages to help you feel better without him there. If it was very serious, and your mood was low then Mettaton would spend from a few days, up to several weeks with you and keep you company. If not you, then Napstablook, Mew Mew, and Mad Dummy would be there on Mettaton's behalf to keep you company. If not them, then he'd invite over your friends or family.

If you needed a simple boost of confidence, or a reminder of just how important you were, Mettaton could pull it off.

If there was something you needed to help make you feel better, or maybe go somewhere you'd enjoy spending time at, then he would get it or take you. Need your favorite snack? He would get it. Wanted to spend time outside (or in) from home, for sure. Again, he couldn't always but when he could, he went above and beyond to help you. To show how much he loved you. But you already knew that, and you were so thankful. 

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