Chapter 51

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"I get nightmares whenever we're apart."

"What?" I manage to spit out of my mouth.

All this time I thought I had it bad having nightmares every weekend while Nash has been having them five days a week? He stays quiet, knowing very well that I heard him.

"W-Why didn't you ever tell me?" I ask him.

"Because I know that you'd feel guilty and want to be together more, which would only cause you pain," he says.

"What are they about?" I ask him timidly.

"Mostly Charlie. But then sometimes I think it's Charlie and then when she turns around... it's you."

I stare at him blankly, trying to imagine myself in Charlie's place.

"Say something," he begs.

"I just..." I sigh, not really knowing what to say.

"Why is this happening?" I put my head in my hands.

"Maybe it's a sign," Nash says.

"A sign for what?"

"That you're too good for me."

I look up.


"No, think about it. I need you, but when we're together I only cause you pain? This has to be a sign, I know it is."

"From who then? Who sent us this sign?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Whoever put these damn necklaces on us in the first place." He takes his pendant in his hand, thumb brushing over the tape.

"Everyone's born with a necklace Nash, no one put it on us," I tell him.

"They're trying to tell us we're not soulmates, Katya," he says.

"What?" My head snaps towards him, "You don't think we're soulmates?"

"Never did," Nash says, "it would be too good to be true."

I look at him, trying to find any hint of sarcasm or a dash of humor, but come up short.

"Stop," I say quietly.

"Stop what?"

"Stop thinking that you can't have anything good in life," I tell him.

"You are the only good in my life and this stupid thing," he yanks my necklace, "is trying to take you away from me."

"My necklace," I yank it back, "isn't doing anything. You're being paranoid. For all we know, we're just being stupid and the nightmares happen when they happen. It might not have anything to do with each other," I say, though deep down I know it's not true.

"You dream of a perfect world with your soulmate that just doesn't exist. This is what you get; me," he says, looking down at his hands.

I lift his chin to face me, "You're all I need."

I stand up, but before I leave I say, "I just wish you could see that."

I make my way back to my original seat, leaving Nash back there. Hayes is now awake and moves a little so I can get through.

"Where have you been?" he asks me.

"Talking to Nash." I put my seatbelt on.

"Did you guys work things out?"

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now