Chapter 99

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ONE LEFT : for anyone who's made it this far, I love you.

I breathe in, my eyes scanning my surroundings. My hands grasp onto the grass that I lay on, its moisture soaking into my fingertips. I sit up quickly, my vision blurring for a moment. It's dark, only a streetlight illuminating a path through the woods. I don't want to go down the path, and I'm about to turn away, but I hear a faint squeak in the distance that lures me in. Leaves crunch under my shoes with each step I take, and the squeaking gets louder.

I hear faint laughter from the same direction, and my hands start to sweat with nervousness. I don't know why I'm still following the path, but the laughter gets louder with every tree I pass. I notice that there are no stars in the sky, and the pale moon barely emits any light. I roll my pendant between my fingers, twirling my fate in my hands.

I finally see her, her blonde hair flowing softly behind her as she kicks her legs back and forth. Her icy blue eyes land on me, and a smirk slowly forms on her lips. The silence gives me an empty feeling, and I grasp desperately onto the sound of crickets chirping to keep me sane. I don't know what she's thinking, and I don't know if I want to.

"So," she finally says, batting her long lashes at me, "we're more alike than I thought."

"I'm nothing like you," I tell her, standing my ground.

"Well," Charlie stops swinging, "let's look at the facts... We both made Nash fall in love with us, we both took him for granted, and we both killed ourselves. That's a lot of similarities if you ask me."

"Only, I'm still alive," I say.

She chuckles, giving me her signature faux-sympathetic tilt of the head.

"For now."

Her feet reach the ground, and she stands but an inch above me. She looks down at me, her piercing, blue eyes freezing my bones as though they might crack with one touch.

"Come on, do you really think he'll forgive you?" Charlie asks me, stepping towards me.

"I do. He'll see how sorry I am, he'll-"

"He'll forgive you?" She takes another step. "Because he loves you?"

"That's right." I take a step back.

She laughs, her eyebrow raising to challenge me.

"Naive little girl. He's going to reject you, and when you try to kill yourself again, it will work this time."

"I'm not going to do it again," I say.

"Yes, you will. And when you do, he'll find you." She steps towards me again.

"He'll find your cold body swinging back and forth, your head drooping to the side and your eyes lifeless. He'll scream your name and run to you so fast, like he believes his speed can take him back in time to save you." She takes a few more steps, and I'm unable to move.

"He'll start crying, asking why you did this and why he couldn't stop it. Then the hate will start to rise up in his chest and he'll hate you and everything that makes him think of you, which is everything anyway." She's so close that I feel her breath hit my face as she talks.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now